By goldfish - 06/03/2012 02:47 - Canada

Today, I came home to an eviction notice after an apartment inspection. The reason? Having an unauthorized pet that could cause unnecessary damage to my suite. My pet is a goldfish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 147
You deserved it 3 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Magikarp uses splash! It was super effective

zingline89 18

Well, Nemo and his friends did make quite a mess of the dentist office when he tried to escape. Could happen.


Rokyre 5

south park is awesome...& dayam

Cause "unnecessary damage" to the building before you leave. 1. Roadkill in the elevator shaft 2. Super-glue an open bag of feces inside the garbage chute 3. Activate fire hose in the stairwell on the top floor, etc...

JellyBearBear 4

This is an old fml guys.....

Dude just get one of those plastic automatic fish that are battery operated that made to look like really swimming fish, hide the real fish and call your landlord back in take the fish out a show him it isn't real and that he better take the eviction notice away or you'll call (who ever you think you should call).

it is not a pet, it is a meal item that will be cooked and eaten to honor the great spaghetti monster.

No pets means no pets. I'm sure you were informed of the no pets policy before you moved in. YDI.

You could cause water from the tank to spill onto the electrical socket thus starting a fire. While we're at it, let's ban all beverages in the apartment as well.

Gotta be careful with goldfish. They can cause some serious harm