By Anonymous - 12/04/2015 20:57 - United States - Vancouver

Today, I caught my teenage daughter doing her laundry for the first time ever. She had piles of black and white, but then she threw them together in the washing machine. I told her blacks and whites were supposed to be separate, but she just said, "End the segregation, mom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 948
You deserved it 6 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She'll regret it when her laundry comes out ****** up though


I have a dream... That some day... My clothes will wash themselves! Some day! Be they white or black! I won't have to lift a finger to do my laundry! I have this dream, because nobody wants to do laundry when there's Netflix to watch.

lennon_ 16

I have that same dream! lol

That's ok her whites will now be grey.

I've literally never seperated my washing ever in my life and it's never affected my whites or my colours.

I think it depends on the temperature you're using. The older generation (no offense intended), like my mom, pretty much always washes on high temperature and she had some issues with colors running. But I always wash on 40 degrees and haven't had any issues neither... It also depends on the color and/or material sometimes. Red seems to be the biggest evildoer.

With modern technology most washers, detergents and dyes are good enough to stop color bleeding. Frankly, if op wants her daughter to keep doing her own laundry, she probably shouldn't nit pick every aspect

Ditto. I do hotter washes for bed stuff and wash delicate things separately but never thought or cared about separating colours. Never been an issue.

Well, you don't always have only color to worry about, some materials tend to shrink in hotter water too. My wife once threw my very necktie in the hotter wash and that's the last time I ever saw that in it's original form...

nitrog100 21

I only separate out new clothes. My laundry has been coming out just fine for years.

Smart but stupid at the same time.

Only reason I separate whites is bleach, otherwise no bleed except for red.

Red is evil and must be quarantined from everything else!

When her laundry comes out ruined, congratulate her on living MLK's dream.