By Anonymous - 12/04/2015 20:57 - United States - Vancouver

Today, I caught my teenage daughter doing her laundry for the first time ever. She had piles of black and white, but then she threw them together in the washing machine. I told her blacks and whites were supposed to be separate, but she just said, "End the segregation, mom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 948
You deserved it 6 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She'll regret it when her laundry comes out ****** up though


she's right, it's useless to separate clothes, like ironing

You can throw in a color catcher and wash them together with no problem. I do it.

Technically they don't have to be separated. At school for my rate, I didn't have time to separate and washed everything with cold water. Worked everytime lol

Sounds like Mook might have a history of trying to keep things separate.

Yeah, mom! This isn't what rosa parks sat in the back of the bus for! Lol

DizzyDancer 3

She refused to give up her seat in at the front of the bus not the back. Educate yourself.

DizzyDancer 3

She refused to give up her seat in the front of the bus...not the back. Educate yourself

ptellini 7

I never separate my colours. Unless I've just bought something new and it hasn't been washed before. In that scenario I put that one item through on its own the first time.

Two loads. Reds and everything else. Never had a problem doing this. Believe the myth if you want but the only color you have to separate is red.

I've never separated any of my laundry by colour and I've never had a problem. Half my clothes are red, and everything is still the colour it was when I bought it. If you wash in cool water rather than hot the colours don't bleed, nothing shrinks, and the fabric doesn't wear out as quickly. Win win :)