By Anonymous - 12/04/2015 20:57 - United States - Vancouver

Today, I caught my teenage daughter doing her laundry for the first time ever. She had piles of black and white, but then she threw them together in the washing machine. I told her blacks and whites were supposed to be separate, but she just said, "End the segregation, mom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 948
You deserved it 6 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She'll regret it when her laundry comes out ****** up though


Let her do it; let her learn the hard way of what happens when you don't listen. And above all do NOT buy her new clothes after her's gets f**ked up.

countlesswonders 10

winning come back in my book

That's an hilarious comeback, I hope she still has her sense of humour when she takes her clothes out of the washing machine.

Well, at least she knows about segregation!

I always put them together but the colors are fine

Please update us when she mixes the reds with the whites. That will be fun lesson.

I don't separate my laundry unless it's something brand new and that even depends on the type and brightness/amount of dye of the clothing.

xxungatofrioxx 5