By mylifesucks - 18/04/2009 07:20 - Netherlands

Today, I celebrated my 21st birthday. My boyfriend of almost 3 years gave me a big pink vibrator. Thinking it was a joke I said: "I won't need this as long as I have you!" His reply: "That's what I wanted to talk to you about." FML
I agree, your life sucks 557
You deserved it 52

Top comments

at least he provided you with a replacement. how thoughtful

Haha, don't worry about it too much. The vibrator will probably be better anyways.


Anyone else consider that she might not be talking about a break up? What if her boyfriend just enlisted (or got a job far far away)? It would still suck enough for her to write it up as an FML, but it'd also make sense why he gave her something to keep herself busy while he was away.

Good point. That sounds more than likely and is the only thing that would actually make sense.

efmivida 0

i come back with, this is definatly going to be better then you, then again my tampon is better than you

NicGstfsn23 0

bahahahhah #42! what a douchebag!!

ffffmmmmlllll 0

you should've given back the vibrator to him and told him he'd need it more than you. then go hook up with someone else. haha.

# 44. That is great. Take 44's advice next time.

Monty_Python 0

Awww... he's a sweetheart. Almost as good as the guy with the cake.

#13, go back to your anal beads. #24, not fake. #42, EPIC. WIN. @ OP, most people here are pretty much right. He could've at least waited til your birthday was over. :( That sucks.

This hurts my soul, man. Hurts. My. Soul. He planned an ironic present in advance so he could bring up an unpleasant topic on your birthday. I don't think it gets more pathetic/cowardly/slack than that, really. This is why God invented Vodka - so perfectly good birthdays aren't ruined by other people's jerkdom! FYL. Drink up and party on, my friend.

Whoa. I just found a new way to break up with people.

crayons_fml 0

on your birthday? what a jerk!