By mylifesucks - 18/04/2009 07:20 - Netherlands

Today, I celebrated my 21st birthday. My boyfriend of almost 3 years gave me a big pink vibrator. Thinking it was a joke I said: "I won't need this as long as I have you!" His reply: "That's what I wanted to talk to you about." FML
I agree, your life sucks 557
You deserved it 52

Top comments

at least he provided you with a replacement. how thoughtful

Haha, don't worry about it too much. The vibrator will probably be better anyways.


bollywood_rocks 0

38 FTW! I did do that to an ex! A guy who never called me for the three months we were together called me like every minute for the next two days when I pulled that on him. HE WAS FREAKING OUT! I kept the charade up for a week! and then told him I got an abortion. HE WENT BALLISTIC because he wanted a kid OP, IF you have the gumption, try it out! Believe me,that will be the best revenge you ever get without actually doing anything crazy!

Aw! What the heck is wrong with people??? You're better off.

Oh, and by the way, OP? If it WAS a rabbit? You'll be thanking him forever for replacing himself with that magic little gem. Give it a whirl, you'll never be sorry!!

LOL Jack Rabbit's are awesome. I'm surprised to see someone actually mention that here. You dirty girl youuuu. Then again I have one so I can't judge. *shifts eyes*

El_Capitan 0

It makes it worse since he thought you needed a vibrator

#40 Shut up asshole. Maybe if you were worth anything at all in bed, you wouldn't be hating on someone with a broken heart. Being mean to someone who's hurting is just ignorant. You must have a low IQ or a personality disorder.

elu3219 0

On your 21st b-day? thats harsh

AntiChrist7 0

you choose a jerk, your own fault. YDI

catiepants 0

My motto: Guy or no guy, never turn down a vibrator.

ffffmmmmlllll 0

thank you #45. yes, do take my advice next time. or this time, there's still time left to give it back to him, maybe throw it in his face. =]