By Nudge23 - 26/09/2011 07:26 - Australia

Today, I cleared out the messages in my voicemail. Of the 50+ messages, most were from my mother wanting to know when I'd be home. I'm 27. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 822
You deserved it 4 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe get out a bit more? Meet some people at the local starbucks? The world is yours friend, you're 27!

Caller ID: Allowing people to ignore Mom's calls since 1987.


kg163401 0

Hahaha! Only 3 years to go, then it's the basement and star wars action figures for you!

CiaranPM 0

Murder her. It's the only way.

9895002 0

Buy a new phone if you don't live with her.

I once stayed somewhere overnight and my phone died. The next day my girlfriend got a call from one of our friends. Apparently, my mom had been contacting people online and calling them trying to find me.

Thats pretty bad considering that we are both 26 years old haha

My mom stole my phone and put all my friends numbers in there. After I realized she was calling them when I went out for drinks and I didn't answer, I had to steal her phone and delete them. Silly moms.

You need to get a new number and not give it to this control freak bitch. Or move across the country

audiophileMom 11

YDI for being 27 and still living with mom. Her house, her rules. And let the poor woman know when you'll be home without her having to ask!

bubo_fml 10

Be proactive. Inform your Mum before hand that you'll be out all night attending various nefarious parties, having sex w/ multiple, anonymous partners of either sex, ingesting various pharmacuticals, breaking numerous misdemeanor laws & will probably spend the rest of the early AM hours in the pokey...That's what I tell my Mum, so she doesn't even ask me what I'm up to anymore...

Ok- I have to say- I'm 27 an my mother is the same way! No I don't live at home- but she will call just to see if I'm home? What I am doing and doing it with? I think as moms get older- they tend to get lonely and need something to control. Lol- thank god ny brother had kids and now she is busy!