By bad day Brutus - 29/04/2013 05:26 - United States

Today, I confessed to cheating to my girlfriend. She decided to go up to the girl and ask her about it. The girl denied it and said she didn't even know me. My girlfriend walked up to me, called me a liar and punched me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 055
You deserved it 64 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I can't say you didn't deserve that punch.

You pretty much deserve whatever bad things happen to you.


Well played mate you got away with cheating, which means you kept your girl unless you don't want her anymore. Sounds like shell be a tough one to get rid of.

I'd say it's safe to assume 13 doesn't have a girlfriend. Douche.

MermaidAnnariea 10

you are the worst kind of shit.

Do you seriously expect anyone to have pity in you? You CHEATED on someone. OP you're just an asshole.

Lets hope you learn from this OP. Judging by your whining tone though, I doubt it.

NioBerry 7

shhh don't question the mad their emotional ninja skills

I heard that! I too am so good that girls can't believe it! small world.. though you should stick with your mate, mate

WhisperSoflty 20

39, after running it through my illiterate douchebag translator, it comes out to: "I understand, man! I, too, try to get away with cheating and think its cool! But you shouldn't cheat." Still doesn't make too much sense, but for a whole different reason.

Yeahhhh, you deserved that. Props for admitting it to your girlfriend, but that doesn't outweigh what you did. You had that punch coming.

How come it is so hard to stay faithful? Stay single if you can't. You deserve it, lucky she did not dump you:)

Or simply because they just can. There doesn't always have to be a scientific reason for it or some deep dark reason like abandonment issues or whatever. Some people cheat because they can.

lexxiii 17

Even though you deserved it for cheating, I do have just a tad more sympathy for you because you actually confessed to it. Most of the time, you end up finding out from other people.

Sounds like the plot to the Scarlet Letter

xStaciexLynnx 15

I think you need to work on your reading comprehension.

I don't think we read the same book.....

Somehow my FML glitched and posted that here...huh...meant to go somewhere else.

You probably still would have got punched if the girl had told the truth.

"It wasn't me" Looks like Shaggy was the one teaching the lesson of what to say when confronted by a crazed girlfriend?