By Anonymous - 28/05/2013 16:51 - United States - Ozark

Today, I confessed to my girlfriend that I cheated on her. She told me that she needed time to think, and left. An hour later, her dad came by with a baseball bat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 226
You deserved it 146 915

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't really think we would sympathise...


I have a feeling that her father is going to hit a home run and you will lose the ability to ever hit a home run again with future girlfriends if you know what I mean.

bloodangel1973 8

From now on, keep your hands in your pockets and your Willie in your pants. If the urge becomes uncontrollable, do the five-finger widow. It's a much safer option.

Dusty_Busters 15

"I cheated then got in trouble, feel sorry for me"

Serves you right now doesn't it ? Once a cheater always a cheater .

While not condoning cheating, saying ydi seems a bit too far.

The baseball bat is the most likely cause for it being too far.

roflstomp716 19

you would think she wouldn't have gone to such drastic measures since you confessed instead of got caught/:

I'm so sorry that happened to you. FYL OP. I say that with sarcasm practically oozing out of my pores. Because that's how little I sympathize with you.

Cheating is a terrible thing for sure, but lets not all act like saints.