By Anonymous - 28/05/2013 16:51 - United States - Ozark

Today, I confessed to my girlfriend that I cheated on her. She told me that she needed time to think, and left. An hour later, her dad came by with a baseball bat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 223
You deserved it 146 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't really think we would sympathise...


sbuxsux11 8

everyone says cheaters are scum and they have no sympathy for them and so on...if you people were truly honest you'd admit you've cheated on someone.5 pages of the same anti cheater comments yet every other fml is about someone cheating! so all of you are perfect and have never cheated?! I call bullshit!

Quiet_one 22

I'm far from perfect, but I've never cheated and neither have a lot of people. If you don't want to do it it's not that hard to avoid.

sbuxsux11 8

I totally agree.ive been cheated on and never understood why people just dont end the relationship.I just find it hard to believe that every person on here saying ydi hasnt cheated.guess its the pessimist in me.restraint really isn't that hard,right?

There are billions of people in the world. FML submissions are for people who have a bad experience, so of course there is going to be a higher number of cheaters mentioned in them, while the comments are regular folk who are no more or less likely to have been involved in cheating than anyone else. Your logic makes about as much sense as someone living in Ireland calling someone from a small African village a liar when they say they've never seen a redhead, because tons of people around you are redheads, so in your mind redheads must be common everywhere.

sbuxsux11 8

would anyone on here actually be honest and say "I've cheated before and felt terrible but I deserved what I got and so do you"? thats my point. nobody would admit that on here.not starting a war with you on logic and red've gone way deeper than my thought that surely at least one person on here saying ydi has cheated

Nope. Never cheated. There was one relationship where I came close but instead just ended the relationship because I wasn't happy with the girl I was with. Just because you might cheat (or have cheated) doesn't automatically mean everyone else has made the same mistake.

sbuxsux11 8

I never said anything about me cheating on someone.I never have. if you want to believe EVERYONE commenting has never cheated thats're entitled to your opinion as am I. just because I think people aren't being honest on here doesn't mean I cheated or condone it.

Never cheated on anyone. See, I have morals and will never cheat since cheaters are the scum of the Earth.

be thankful it's only a baseball bat

Quiet_one 22

YDI for cheating in the first place. You get a small number of points back for confessing rather than continuing to waste your ex-gf's time, but you still deserved it.

Aww, the poor cheating asshole wants sympathy. How cute.

lol I don't even see how people can cheat. I can barely manage to get one person to like me. Anyway, YDI for being a cheating asshole.

While I agree it never said that the dad actually hit him. It could just be to scare him which judging by the fml posted it seems to have done the trick.

why on earth did you think we (the lovely folks on the internet) would feel sorry for you? YDI

you totally deserve that one you're lucky he didn't have a shotgun!

So… how badly did he beat your freaking brains out, you bastard!

All fathers should be that awesome. YDI