By Anonymous - 28/05/2013 16:51 - United States - Ozark

Today, I confessed to my girlfriend that I cheated on her. She told me that she needed time to think, and left. An hour later, her dad came by with a baseball bat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 223
You deserved it 146 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't really think we would sympathise...


I think it's insane that anyone here who doesn't want to beat the guy up with a baseball bat is being thumbed down by multiple people. There's more than one reaction and solution to cheating and just because some people think violence isn't the best idea, everyone here thumbs them down? What the hell. It's not okay that the guy cheated on his girlfriend, it's not okay that she'll hurt over that for a long time and he does deserve some karmic backlash - but is a beating with a baseball bat the appropriate action here? What, exactly, does that solve? Does it make the girl feel better about being cheated on? Probably not. Does it make the guy feel any more guilty? Almost certainly not. It does nothing except put one person in the hospital and get another one arrested. Personally, I think being supportive and listening to your child and helping them find strength to get through their heartache and come out the other side stronger is a much more valuable lesson than the baseball bat could ever teach. The cheating loser? Not worth any extra time or consideration, and karma will get him in the end.

The dad beating the ever living hell out of him would make him feel terrible, both physically and mentally, for cheating on his daughter. The girl most likely wanted the father to beat his ass hard and give him a lesson he will never forget.

Where exactly does it say that the ex-gf's father actually USED the baseball bat? Don't **** with a father whose daughter's had her heart broken. And don't cheat, you thundertwat. You deserved to have the fear of god put into you... that's what you get for having a wandering weenie.

MythsNLegends 10

Please tell me he hit you more than once.

Are you kidding me, what he did was wrong and yes he deserves bad things to happen to him but, beating someone up with a baseball bat? That's ******* crazy, I would understand if there was domestic abuse involved but the worst this should of come to is a breaking up and never talking to again, despite what everyone is saying your father IS overreacting and being stupid

I am wondering why OP confessed. He could have just as easily continued that path. Maybe he still will. Pain + pain =/= gain, imo

He's an arse, but at least he told her, rather than her finding out later down the track and the consequences of her dads actions could have been, well worse haha.

Better than a shotgun...but still usually cheating resolves in a beat down...

generalasskicker 12

That seems a little overboard also shoot her dad