By Anonymous - 28/05/2013 16:51 - United States - Ozark

Today, I confessed to my girlfriend that I cheated on her. She told me that she needed time to think, and left. An hour later, her dad came by with a baseball bat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 226
You deserved it 146 915

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't really think we would sympathise...


As terrible as cheaters are, I'm kind of scared to learn how many FML posters would be totally cool with murder.

Nick.. If there werent scumbags that had to be beaten up, we would have immediate attention when necessary. Its there own fault that they are in there so shut up already.

People who destroy others without using physical violence can hurt much more than those who do and actually break the law.

Wtf did you think was gonna happen? She say ok and suck your dick?

How did you not see this coming? Totally ******* deserve it for telling her you cheated and not expecting some sort of retribution. What if you got some STD and don't know yet and passed it on to her? Douche.

Good that you told her but you definitely deserve it

if I was that father you wouldn't be able to type anything, op. wtf is wrong with boys these days ? they never grow up, man up ?

Why is everyone saying he deserved it??? He confessed, he did the right thing it's not his fault she told the dad. And he came back with a baseball bat. People need to realize...

Pyro_Wolf 17

It's good that he at least admitted it, but he shouldn't have done it in the first place. If you're going to cheat, then you have no business in a committed relationship.

Are you stupid? I'm being serious right now! When you say he did the right thing did you mean cheating? Cause if you did than you are a moronic **** but if you mean telling her instead of her finding out later than ok yeah but he still cheated which means that he's a scumbag.

perdix 29

Go, Dad!! Keep your eye on the ball and make sure you follow through! Mmmmm, batter, batter, batter, batter, batter, batter, . . . , swing!!!

SystemofaBlink41 27

All while the ex-boyfriend is willingly standing there, waiting to be hit.

onorexveritas 23

that's a good dad for ya xD

Well, you shouldn't have cheated in the first place. Dumbass.