By Anonymous - 28/05/2013 16:51 - United States - Ozark

Today, I confessed to my girlfriend that I cheated on her. She told me that she needed time to think, and left. An hour later, her dad came by with a baseball bat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 223
You deserved it 146 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't really think we would sympathise...


WOW, so many people want the OP beaten with a ballbat. Does anyone know what kind of permanent damage that can do? And you all feel this makes you morally superior to the guy that cheated?

Imagine the outrage if the OP was a female and the Dad attacked her with a ball bat? But I guess its ok to cripple a guy for cheating.

Dude you sorta deserved it. I mean my dad would cone after any guy with a baseball bat Sooo can't blame him for doing I I mean you hurt his daughter..

You didn't really necessarily deserve that because you actually confessed although I would see as how that would be a reaction from her father. Props for confessing btw must've been hard. Do not cheat in future relationships though. Seriously. It really affects the person who was cheated on. Hope you weren't beaten up and hopefully you sit down and talk together with your ex (i'm guessing she's your ex now) and her father about you cheating on her. Maybe not. I think that would be good though.

YDI for cheating, but at least you had the balls to confess to your girlfriend.

poopstink 1

Yeah u cheated and ur wrong and deserve to not be welcome at their house or with them. But if a dad or anyone else came to my house with a bat for any reason they're getting a 9mm hollow point in the face.

I don't support it, but at least you told her.

Coming from the comments I hope you have learned a lesson... Don't confess it! You'll get beaten up and then get no respect! Honesty is overrated.

shineelover01 10

I'm probably gonna get down voted for this, but I agree with everyone that YDI. At the same time, though, at least you had the balls to confess it.