By Anonymous - 08/05/2012 22:10 - United States - Chandler

Today, I corrected someone who spelled "learned" as "learnt" on my favorite forum. Nothing could've prepared me for the torrent of abuse that followed from the non-American members. Now I'm banned for "trolling," and all my 7,000+ posts since 2006 are gone forever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 430
You deserved it 41 615

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WHAT???! You mean the Internet isn't American?? You should totally sue!

nadnerbz 6

I hope you learned you lesson. Maybe learnt?


"Learned" and "learnt" are the same thing. "Learned" is more commonly used by American English and "learnt" is normally used among those who speak British English. But, both are correct.

I have a feeling this is Roblox because people there are so irritating there... once someone argued with me about wanting to use text language and no grammar in a rp... just no that's not how the english language works!

Dude, that's a total YDI. Have you learnt your lesson yet? I'm American, and I prefer spelling it learnt.

@121 "Torrent" is correct; look it up on and pay special attention to definition four. You just failed big time.

Always google before correcting someones spelling.

Learnt, it's not a wrong word dummy. It's like irregardless. Not a proper word but made a word from inappropriate use of the English language. That's like correcting "lol". Next time do yourself a favor n keep your two cents.

...You're comparing "learnt" to "lol"? Really? One has been in the dictionary for a very long time, and the other is an acronym that can be pronounced as a single word.

He's comparing learnt - the original and therefore technically more correct version of a word, to irregardless - word with an unnecessary prefix which has only been used in the last hundred years and my spell checker does not recognise?

138, Learnt makes sense, irregardless makes me want to punch something. How anyone was stupid enough to think irregardless makes any sense is beyond me. It's an obvious double negative, and anyone who uses it synonymously with regardless needs to be put down. Breathe in...breathe out...calm blue oceans calm blue oceans...

My bad, but yes, what Delphi and Downtime said.

giRLiNtErUpTed88 5

Learned and learnt maybe the same word but they are different tenses of the word learn. English speaking people, though proud of yourselves as that, should learn more about the language before trying to humiliate someone on the net cause common knowledge, it will end up biting you in the ass.

JadeWinter 16

You Americans are way too full of yourself to even consider that another country might do something that differs from you!

Which is worse: Correcting someone's grammar without having been taught that the word is used differently in other countries, or making blanket hateful statements about an entire nation of people?

Really? So, considering the numbers of them here who are fully aware of the "learned"/"learnt" distinction here whose posts you evidently can't read, I guess we're to infer you're illiterate?