By theboywithlonghair - 09/09/2009 04:24 - United States

Today, I decided to go get my hair cut because it was getting a bit long. I told the lady that I wanted it way short and she replied "Why? You will look like a guy sweetie." I am a guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 992
You deserved it 6 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she's that blind, you don't want her anywhere near your hair with scissors.


thats not necessarily a bad thing,,, if the woman cutting your hair was hot you could just laugh it off and say baby why dont you come back to my place and i'll show you first hand that im a man

that's why you should go to a barber like a man

pwnage79 0

i hate when my hair gets that long too. # 28 good one! but he is kinda right

YDI for going to some 'lady' instead of a barber.

This reminds me of this girl i know in school. She looks like a boy but is really a girl. :p lmao. :d

This is why we should be a nudist society. That way, you could tell someone's gender easily, unless it's the "I switched from a pediatrician to an adult doctor" guy.

psh, whatever. girls can have short hair, i shaved my head a little while ago and look way cuter with little baby hair then i ever did with waist length hair! plus i can rock little TINY PIGGY TAILS!!

And I know how that feels so I feel for you, dude.

justmyluck1212 0

hahaaaaa omg thissss isss golllddd YDI for growing your hair out long if you already dont look masculine

I did the same thing. And even after I got it cut, people still call me a girl. :( Sorry to hear. Haha.