By jazthefish - 12/07/2010 19:42 - United States

Today, I drew a face on a balloon and pretended to make out with it. The balloon popped and shot to the back of my throat, where it got caught. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 807
You deserved it 71 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats what you get for makin out with balloon boy. Damn pedo.

Hannalea_fml 0


tubeofKY 0

Well, I for one feel sorry for the first guy you blow.

transcedental 18

haha best comment here xD anyway fyl op .. that's just sad :/

lol that made my day but that's pretty sad I feel sad for the balloon and for ur boyfriend that's pathetic a balloon realllllyyyy? I'm guessing u don't have a boyfriend!