By ShittyKeys - 06/11/2009 08:57 - United States

Today, I dropped my keys in the toilet. While in the kitchen looking for something to fish them out with, I heard a door slam. My sister had to use the bathroom and didn’t see my keys in the toilet before sitting down. Lucky me, I caught her just as she was about to flush. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 468
You deserved it 5 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't it of been easier to just reach in with your hands and grab them when you first dropped them in? If there was nothing else but water in the toilet, just wash your hands after.

let her fish the keys out of the toilet, she peed/pooped on them


man, that must have been the shittiest part of your day!

1) How do you drop your keys in the toilet? And 2) If you weren't such a pansy and just reached in there to get them out you would have completely avoided the whole stupid situation. You totally deserve it.

boatkicker 4

Let me see if I am getting this right, because it seems too stupid to be accurate. You dropped your keys into the toilet that had nothing in it but water. You didn't want to stick your HAND into the water so you went to the Kitchen to get something. Its too gross for you to put your hand in, but not to gross for you to put something food related in? Or even if it wasn't food related, it would still be near your food. Also, what about washing the keys if they were in just the water. If you washed them, you would probably have to touch them, getting the same water on your hand you would have gotten on there by reaching your hand in to get them. And why is washing your keys off good enough, but washing your hand off not? Unless of course you didn't plan on washing them, in which case you'd still get the same water on you as you woud have sticking your hand in the water. This FML is an overall YDI. I think that's one of the few times I've actually said that. If you had done the smart thing, and just picked up your god damn keys when you dropped them, the situation wouldn't have been a problem five minutes later.

seriously, no offense but if youve got time to write an essay flaming an FML entry then.. well FYL bro.

boatkicker 4

My life isn't ******. Its boring because three days a weeks i have to wait 4 hours for a ride and cant go anywhere, but thats not life-*******. Its just general day-to-day crap. Similar to this FML. not really life *******.

oh man i totally feel for you. i could just imagine.

if you hadn't already gone to the bathroom thats what you get for not just sticking your hand into the toilet bowl....

yorkiegirl1691 0

Oh, good idea! I dropped the keys in the toilet, so let's go get something in the kitchen- something I most likely eat with- to fish them out! What a fantastical idea!

you deserve it. it wouldnt have killed you to stick your hand in the bowl. That's what soap is for.

rachelbrianna25 0

If you flush the toilet, the keys will just stay there. :)