By Anonymous - 17/06/2014 12:26 - United Kingdom
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I don't get it... o.o
I'm sure there's someone somewhere to talk to, there's probably dozens of them commenting on this FML right now.
Me too!
To elaborate: us Brits are notoriously taciturn about our feelings. Especially the men. The British stiff upper lip seems to be an integral part of society here.
Yolo swag, accents are hot, don't be depressed!!,
did I really just read that? wtf.
I lost all hope and respect for you and that comment as soon as I read the words "yolo swag"... just.... why.
oh wow... that wow..
For everyone confused by this FML: In Britain we mind our own business. We never, ever show our feelings openly to anyone. It's against the law.
that does explain the fml, thanks.
Sorry man, swallow your pride.
The "whinging pom" stereotype?
I am British. You are being an idiot. Talk to someone, you stupid bum. Don't complain about your own inability to talk to people about your problems.
Go for the middle ground: don't talk about it to people you know (yet), but see a professional, a psychologist or psychiatrist. See how it goes from there.
People can't talk about their feelings in the UK? I don't know, try France or somewhere.
Keep a stiff upper lip chap