By gemma - 11/09/2012 16:56 - United Kingdom - Belfast

Today, I figured out how serious my weight problem really is when my boyfriend had to lift a fat roll before he could enter me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 810
You deserved it 59 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd suggest you go run a lap... Or 10... Thousand...

that is a visual I could have lived without ...


Praisethelawd 0

Don't act like you don't want her. (;

Praisethelawd, you got me I'm a ultra chubby chaser.

He must REALLY love you to go through that, unless he's the same size. :o If it truly bothers you, act on it! If not, keep rollin'

You are lucky you found someone to do that because I don't think I could even watch that

adamcichuttek 2
McNerdyNerd 8

Throw the ultra balls! Sorry, I feel bad for this joke now -_-

Huh, talk about Rolling In The Deep. Gee whizz.