By Anonymous - 11/04/2009 03:40 - United States

Today, I finally decided to get a dog. I have always been wanting to get one ever since I was a child. I bought a $1,400 Golden Retriever. I went out for lunch a few hours later with a friend, so I left my dog in the backyard. I came back home to a broken fence and no dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 865
You deserved it 64 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didn't you tie it up? If it was a new pet, you don't know how it's going to react. YDI for not making sure it was secure!

dont have kids, please you cant even take care of a dog...


Sweet you jus paid 1400 bucks to let your dog roamthe streets. Lesson learned, looks like youll be checkin out the humane society if your still up for a dog that might not hop over the fence & escape :] Dogs are dogs. When did we begin to discriminate towards them? Get over yourselves.

People like you are the reason a license should be required to own an animal.

manoverboard 0

Dude, I have two golden retrievers, and one of them would definitely do that. In fact, I think she has...she's an idiot, though, and even the $2,000 Invisible Fence we got can't hold her in. :/ MICROCHIPP.

Gee, I wish I was so bloody rich I could spend over a thousand dollars on a dog... /sarcasm

Kitty34_fml 0

I wouldn't even leave the trained dog I've had for 10 years alone in the backyard. Anything could happen. How dangerous.

MizzHollywood 0

You can't just decide to get a dog! You need to research and prepare! You need to spend a lot of time with it at first so you can train it! Why would you leave it outside?! That is the stupidest thing to do with a new puppy! YDI for being too stupid to even try to care for a dog.

LayAcharya 0

uhm i def have to agree with the many ppl who have commented on it before me, you say you've wanted a dog all your life. in ALL your life you havent ever considered adopting an animal? if you really did your research you'd know that 20% of shelter animals are purebred. I know that from doing a high school research paper... Either way, you obviously didn't know how to care for the puppy as it was, it's probably better off with whoever stole it from you.

burdenofaday 0

Stop buying pets! Don't support puppy mills! There are plenty of awesome animals at shelters. Adoption is the best way to find a new pet and it's a hell of a lot cheaper.

I love that everyone is all hung up on it being a pure-breed vs. shelter dog (fyi, you can find a lot of pure-breeds at the shelters). The problem is that you left a new dog alone in a yard and didn't know what to expect. Some dogs can clear 6 foot fences without a problem. And they also chew until their trained not to, that includes leashes. Some freak out when alone. He should have been left in a small room where he could do little destruction while you where out. But you also should have been prepared with puppy-pads so that if he did use the bathroom, it'd be an easy clean up until he was house broken. A few toys to amuse him, and even a cage to keep him in while you are away. Or did you expect he'd also stay outside perfection fine while you were at work 40-hours a week (assuming). You should have done more research before getting the dog and canceled all your plans for the weekend so you'd have those 48 hours to bond with the dog.

usmingan 0

YDI. There's this thing called the animal shelter. Save an animal. And if the dog was that new, you shouldn't have left in a situation you weren't sure how it would react. You should have left it locked up inside the house.