By Anonymous - 09/05/2013 07:01 - United States

Today, I finally got the courage to make a move on the guy I've been crushing on. I asked him if he would like to go see a movie with me. He answered, "Sorry, I've already seen it." I didn't even mention any particular movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 864
You deserved it 4 323

Same thing different taste


He sounds like a jerk. Be sad for a minute, then shrug it off. You can do so much better :)

He's not worth it, don't waste your time :)

Now you know he wasn't worth dating in the first place.

Charlie: Yeah! Actually Joey and I are going to the movies tonight, wanna come? Rachel: Oh, I can’t. Because I-I’ve seen them. Charlie: You’ve seen all the movies... Rachel: Yeah! I’m a big fan! Of the movies, you know. Motion pictures. The Talkies!

What theatre did he watch it at? The bullshit cinema?

Ladyyellow111 9

Friendzoning isn't as bad as it seems. This is even worse than friendzoning. Oh, and to the guy I spoke to this afternoon: I know you only go to the meetings with me and my friend because you like my friend , you don't give a shit about me. I wish you friendzoned me instead of being a jerk to me.

first: who would wanna be with someone who didn't want them. second: he wasn't interested. better to know now before wasting time and emotion

KiddNYC1O 20
Axel5238 29

Sorry that happened as bluntly as it did, but sometimes direct is best. I've been in the situation where I did make it direct and they persisted to the the point it borders on stalking. Hopefully, you'll find someone who is a better match for you keep your head up OP.