By Anonymous - 30/12/2010 07:14 - Australia

Today, I finally went running to help me start losing weight. I got 50 metres before someone in a passing car shouted out "Run fatty, run". I can't work up the courage to go for a run again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 088
You deserved it 7 404

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

Run in place, in your house. Don't go outside.

Don't let them get to you. Keep running and soon enough people will be shouting "Pump those skinny legs" and wolf whistling. Work it girl!


likewhoachea 0

just think - pretty soon you will be smokin hot with incredible confidence and they'll still be worthless losers who have to bring people down to feel better. weight/appearances can be changed - personality can't. get back out there and show them who's boss!

I'm 5' 10" and 145 pounds in excellent physical shape and people still yell things and sometimes even throw things at me when I run outdoors. You can't let the ignorant things that other people do prevent you from reaching your goals. If we all gave up every time some ignorant asshole came along none of us would get anywhere.

Do not let anyone discourage you, you keep running to reach your goal **** what people say. Use the negativity as motivation to keep going and reach your goal weight. Prove everyone that has ever called you a name or hurt your feelings wrong. You can do it! Pray for strength...

KEEP RUNNING!!! I started off this year in the same position. Running has made ALL the weight FLY off!! I am preparing to run my first marathon in February! YOU CAN DO IT!! Don't be discouraged. If you want, get a treadmill and start off indoors to gain your confidence. But SCREW everyone else. While you were out running, THEY WEREN'T!! So up theirs!! Seriously - now, EVERYONE is jealous of my body and the fact that I can run...AND THEY CAN'T. So keep it up, don't get discouraged, and know that running is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Make sure you don't hurt yourself though. Check out Jeff Galloway and Hal Higdon - both are expert marathoners with training regimens for beginners!! It changed my life absolutely. GOOD LUCK!

Just remember OP: everyone looks awkward when they are running. That's why I like to watch marathons in slow motion. Next time tune up the volume of your musicplayer and run like a boss.

hey! screw what other people think! who cares if you're overweight?! at least you're doing something about it! ignore them and carry on running :-) xx

vermillionlove 0

**** 'em. if you stop now, you'll just get fatter. keep it up and they'll be whistling from their cars instead of insulting you, and then you can flip them the bird and tell them to go to hell. :)

listen put some headphone in whether u listen to music or not just get back out there; u r too important not to do so; if u build ur self esteem up u will get thru it; the person yelling that stuff out have issues themselves; I know about having self esteem issues; I'll pray for u