By Dickhead - 25/11/2011 15:02 - Lebanon

Today, I found a condom on my bed with a note written by my girlfriend that said, "Since you started acting like a dick, you might as well dress like one." FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 539
You deserved it 62 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you just got buuuuuuuuurrrrned! lol best joke ever

Glitterhinoceros 14

It'd be really cool if you could fit your whole body into that be completely casual while talking to your girlfriend


That's not FYL.. Simple solution: DON'T BE A DICK.

Tell her thanks but its not really your dicks style.. he prefers to wear ******.

That is awesome!! I love your girlfriend and I'm so gonna do that to my ex!

Sounds like u still think about him, you do that his gonna think u still have a feeling for him

boredblonde 17
fencer310 0

I only approve of boredblonde's comments cause she's smoking hot

boredblonde 17

I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not

You prolly shouldn't take it as a compliment boredblonde. Fencer310 seems like a really creep.

Yeah, small typo lol but either way.. a creep. Period.

Horcruxer 0

Only a douche would post this but since it wasn't an XL Magnum that Sucks for u

Ferretface 13

Wouldn't that meqn he's. an even bigger dick?

creedaddict 9

Imma have to use that one on my boyfriend lmao

me_gusta_eso 1
me_gusta_eso 1

Maybe all she wanted was for him to wear nothing BUT a condom?

Owned. OWNEDDD. That is amazing. Major kudos to her for that one. And why are you acting like a dick? Jeez.

the "since you started acting like a dick, you might as well dress like one" is so unoriginal lol, seen it everywhere on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter and what not

sugarandspice33 0

Go to her house wearing nothing but a condom...see what does ;)