By Dickhead - 25/11/2011 15:02 - Lebanon

Today, I found a condom on my bed with a note written by my girlfriend that said, "Since you started acting like a dick, you might as well dress like one." FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 539
You deserved it 62 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you just got buuuuuuuuurrrrned! lol best joke ever

Glitterhinoceros 14

It'd be really cool if you could fit your whole body into that be completely casual while talking to your girlfriend


Ahahahaha your gf is awesome.. But u sir sound like a dick

put dog food in her dinner, since yur being a bitch might as well treat yu like one.

Wow! You should be honored! She goes out of her way to buy condoms for you! That's a such a caring girl! Haha no.

scoop15928 4

Bring a dog costume to her door and say "since your being a bitch, you may as well dress like one".

scoop15928 4

What are you talking about, I don't see any other comments about that before mine. Where?

they moderated my comment >:'( I made a dog food one.

There's one about putting dog food in their dinner so they're fed like a bitch.

scoop15928 4

Yea I see it now but it was moderated before.

fencer310 0

**** her best friend with the condom and leave it w/ a note that says "at least this dick still gets pussy."