By cookiecrust - 07/12/2009 14:44 - Singapore

Today, I found out from my mom that the sweet smelling shampoo she bought recently belongs to Tammi. I've been using it for a week now. The chocolate drops I ate yesterday are also hers. Tammi is our pet Chihuahua. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 616
You deserved it 9 082

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I thought dogs could get sick eating chocolate?

Uhmm.. people, she never said they were real "chocolate drops" or that her dog eats chocolate.. they just looked like chocolate drops.. wow


No_fyl_cuz_ydi 0

small quantities of chocolate will not harm the dog. what do you think dogs ate before vets started sayin no blah blah blah

dancingdoggy 4

Dog food? And before they got domesticated, they ate meat. Sometimes they still do. Chocolate isn't a natural thing for dogs to eat... you're aware, yes?

... and you're aware that processed "dog food" wasn't popular in the US until roughly around the 1930's (and not popular in other places until as late as the 1960's), yes? Before that, dogs ate meat, bones, vegetables, fruits, miscellaneous table scraps, etc. I'm not saying that anyone should feed their dog chocolate, (or onions, or raisins, or grapes, etc), but I thought your comment was pretty amusing... To think that people 15,000 years ago were feeding their dogs dog food. :)

dogs used to eat whatever was left after the people had finished eating and were perfectly fine before all these special dog foods were invented

YDI for using/eating things that aren't yours. If I found chocolate somewhere, I'd ask around it if it belonged to anyone rather than just eating it without asking. People tend to get mad when you eat their chocolate / use their shampoo, even if it wasn't for your dog.

Ketsuhime 0

My chihuahua ate one of those bite size milky way bars a couple of months ago and nothing happened to him.

Chocolate won't necessarilly always hurt a dog. There's just a risk that it can. My dog at an entire bag of christmas Hershey kisses a few years ago and she was fine.

sparxva 12

meh! I wouldn't worry about poisoning a Chihuahua with chocolate; I think they're technically members of the rodent family and not actually considered dogs...

sparxva 12

Followup post (too late to edit): Supposedly chihuahuas are more closely related to rodents than canines: Can't believe everything you read on the Internet though...

wingedtoad 0

That's got to be fake. It says that Yorkshire terriers are descended from pigeons, too. And the article ends with this quote: "Oh, heavens, if they make it official that Chihuahuas aren't dogs, it would make my day," said Miami condominium owner Frances LaCroix. "I would finally have grounds to make Elsie Tabernathy get rid of her wretched little yapping pack of – rodents, did you say they were? Oh, that would be marvelous." That's a bit too ridiculous to publish in an academic journal.

YDI for not paying attention to what you were using/eating. The labels clearly say they are for dogs.


LoLLL how did u not realise that its meant 4 dogs hahahahahahahaha this is funny

I see no FML here, it's not like she gave the dog your room or something? And there are some fancy-schmancy dog bakeries near me, and they barely label their stuff at all; you'd basically have to see the store for yourself to know it's for dogs. As for the dog shampoo, again, not an FML. Our dog needs a bath at least once a week, and the shampoo we use smells better and in some ways is healthier than human shampoo. Seriously, your mom is just taking care of her dog. So shuttup, your life isn't ******, you whiner :c

igroomdogs 0

you bathe your dog once a week??? careful're opening yourself up for some doggie skin issues...