By goodbye-college - 15/08/2010 04:12 - Canada

Today, I found out I won't be able to go to college. Why? My sister's horse needs surgery. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 356
You deserved it 5 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

knibbsy 4

You must end the horse. An unfortunate accident would work.

acantha69 0

Someone else paying for their college ed wasn't even an option for 90% of the people I know. Get a loan, get a job, pay for it yourself.


perhaps you shouldn't go to college, considering the fact your to stupid to realize that there's other options besides your parents. ydi

redrovaa 0

Where did she say she was using her parents for college money? Maybe she doesn't even HAVE parents and she has to help her sister in this situation and give her money so she doesn't sound selfish.. People on FML jump to conclusions too much.

too damn bad, go get a loan or something I would give up my college fund to save my horse too

Horse or my child's education? I think I'd rather have my kid go to college than pay for surgery for my other kid's horse.

they should be able to pay for their own college education

Maybe the sister shouldn't have a horse until she can cover its costs herself.

the horse is worth the money, and there are student loans and you could get a job? or maybe if you worked harder in school then you would be able to get at least some money in the different awards and scholarships, there are a million different ways to be able to pay your own way through college you shouldn't have to rely on your rents, when i go to uni i won't have them paying for it

Monthar 3

horses r wayyyy better then humans.... if my horse needed sugery and it was a choice between college and my horse I wud choose my horse then get a job to go to school

juturnaamo 29

I agree with the sentiment, though I wish it wasn't presented in a way which indicated so strongly that you are in desperate need of further education.

At least you now know who's the favorite girl in the family :D

fullmetalftw4 0

Horses are not people, stop thinking they are