By SleepyKirsty - 09/06/2009 13:36 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out just how thin the walls at my new student flat are. They are so thin in fact, that I can hear the creepy guy next door say my full name over and over again very slowly whilst masturbating rigorously. FML
I agree, your life sucks 120 749
You deserved it 5 717

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL and fyl for sure but dont be surprised about how often guys jerk off about and what about, you were just a little more aware about it happening


missmorningstar 0

Wtf is ASAP? isnt it a handgun in cod or something? :P

get a guy friend to come over some time... wait till 11 then have him scream bloody murder up against your wall... have him play passed out so his feet show by your door, and leave it open... get something like fake blood all over your mouth and wait till your neighbor is about to come out and go get a big duffle bag from your car.

FreedomFirst 0

Bang on the wall just when he starts to get really into it, and scream, "I CAN HEAR YOU M---F----- AND I'M GOING TO F---ING KILL YOU!" At least, that's what I would do. Then start carrying a brick in your purse/bag/backpack. And hang a sign on your door that says "Beware of the psycho bitch who lives here." Just make sure you tell all your friends why it's there so they don't get the wrong idea..... And LMAO, #83.

funsize003 0

oh my goodness. that is NOT okay. next time, start banging on the wall and be like, "hey ******, I'm not interested! jack-off to someone else." anddd put a porno mag under his door. :)

rjk1991 0

Well you shouldn't lead him on. He he, jk. Definitely FYL.

FreedomFirst 0
ShelbyG 0

# 25, That was goldednn! #73 I actually kinda agree with you, and isnt it kinda weird how back then guys liked meaty women and now most guys like stick women? Hahah me and my friend were walking down the street at about 8pm and a car went down the street and the dudes in the car start yelling "Woo hoo!" and other things and we were actually kinda flattered. Goes to show, some girls actually kinda like stuff like that.....xD

Hey is your name Jessica Nicole Landry? If so I'm your neighbor from next door. Mind your own damn business and quit listening to what I do in my spare time. PS: Wanna come over for dinner one night? I make chicken with a home-made alfredo sauce to die for. ;)