By anonymous - 03/12/2009 06:55 - United States

Today, I found out that me and my best friend are both pregnant. We live together, and both had one night stands with the same guy. Now we are going to be each raising his children in the same house while he has decided to "not get involved" and move to a different state. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 774
You deserved it 82 698

Same thing different taste


life sucks huh? and try not to be this promiscuous next time

Godofbeer - I was replying to apfluxx in my above comment One night stands are for people who enjoy sex and aren't in relationships. If you have some hang ups about sex, that's fine, but your opinions don't actually make someone engaging in a physically pleasurable act a bitch. You work with people "who did like the OP"? The OP can spell, use grammar and form a structured sentence so you're really not in a position to pity her too much. You have no idea what environment the children will grow up in. I know plenty of well off and well educated people who enjoy having one night stands, and who would quite possibly keep a resulting child. appfluxx - Saying the OP was spreading diseases is completely baseless. They both obviously moved in the same social circle as the guy and probably knew him well enough. Also, pretty sure having children doesn't make a person disgusting. Regardless, the point is just you consider something disgusting doesn't mean that it is or that you have any right to dictate how those people should be allowed to live.

GodofBeer- you are a racist **** in simply assuming the race of "those people" in the post. The post is stupid yes, and the people behind it are probably just as dumb, but don't assume they are attributes of a certain class/race of people. And your children will probably continue the vicious cycle of hasty generalizations and ignorance. Have fun with that!

IluvZB you ********, I said its not a race issue, you find people like these in all races, now fuckoff and go neuter yourself bitch Twinklestar - thats ok, I didn't see appfluxx's post so i had assumed it was directed to me. Some of the people I work with, can speak 3 languages, yet all they do is bum around, oh and they use the net too - but the kids, if it wasn't for me buying them something healthy to eat, would end up living on bread and junkfood - money goes for cigarettes, the hairdresser, lottery and other shit. It is true that some single parents, can and will give a good upbringing to the children, but its true aswell, that most of these children will end up abused.

So you work for welfare or something along those lines? Do you not think your view of things if most likely incredibly one sided then? Like I said, I don't know a single person brought up by a single parent who holds any resentment towards them or have any issues from being raised by them and I attended four different schools as a teenager, studied at two different colleges and have lived in three different countries. I think that I'm in a fairly OK position to say saying "most" single parents who conceived during a one night stand are not stereotypical welfare parents giving their children psychological issues and not providing for them. My boyfriend doesn't know anything about his father, and speaks 5 languages and has a wonderful relationship with his mother who works and provided him with everything he could have wanted as a child. I think you need to change your job if it's going to make you see everything from such a one sided point of view.

I do voluntary work, with families in need. I commented like this because its what i see locally. your BF is very lucky, and so are the others which you know, but how many more children are suffering cause of one night stands? how many end up as prostitutes, drug addicts/dealers, alcoholics, criminals, because they grow in such a bad environment? and I forgot to say - although the OP did a stupid thing and didn't use protection, the person that really disgusts me is the "father"... now I have to revoir

Just because many children are in this situation it still does not make it the majority. It is a shame it happens, but as I'm sure you know there are plenty of children from parents in a relationship who are abused and neglected in exactly the same way and to let it jade your views and be a basis for judging others is an issue.

Generally if you're short sighted enough to have an unprotected one night stand, you shouldn't be raising a child.

did you guys not hear of using condoms!??!

YDI, and so does your friend. Poor kids. I guess there's two other kids going to be getting a good life from my tax dollars.

Plenty of working women have one night stands and by comparing your awful English to the OPs my guess would be that she contributes more in taxes than you do.

You know all these girls now days **** anything thats looks hot, what ever happened getting to know the person before you drop you pants and say put it in me. I have no sympathy for you find a man that means something to you and not some random chut that you think is hot.

You know all these girls now days **** anything thats looks hot, what ever happened getting to know the person before you drop you pants and say put it in me. I have no sympathy for you find a man that means something to you and not some random chut that you think is hot.

HAHAHA you both deserved it. If you're gonna have a one night stand at least use some protection. Wish I could hit that deserve button more times.

lotusflower007 0

use birth control hello!! YDI. You guys got into a big mess. But you better snoop around and get a copy of his drivers license and ss number so you can file for child support. Ya can raise half siblings together. I think that this may be fake. but if it's not then you need to get your act together, use a ******* condom. PLEASE! now you have two + lives counting on you. Don't teach them the same irresponsibility.

Oh no! Women who had sex! Grab your internet pitchforks, everybody!

We shall shame them with our words until they are the sobbing and remorseful waifs they ought to be!

As do mine. The majority of pro-lifers believe it's murder. Otherwise, what is your objection to the amount of abortions? Why would it become more "wrong" the more it happens? It only effects the woman's own fertility and that's a choice she can make for herself. I don't think there are any pro-lifers who would save the child over the mother. Making an exception for rape and incest however, if you truly believe it is murder like the very large majority of pro-lifers, is simple hypocrisy.

Both her and her friend obviously knew him and had contact with him afterwards. It's unlikely he was a stranger. Again, you're welcome to believe whatever you want, so long as you accept your opinions don't actually have any bearing on anyone else and aren't grounds to say certain people should be sterilized.

You're not sure of where I live after visiting my profile? So you are as stupid as you are making youself sound? OK. And this must be the 10th time I have stated that you are welcome to your opinions, but you are being ridiculous if you think your opinions of what makes others disgusting is justification for saying the should be sterilized. I'm guessing you're American and about to start harping on about your right to freedom of speech, but it has nothing to do with that, and even if it did, that same right was what neo-nazi's in America used as their reasoning on marching on a town of surviving holocaust victims. Just because you have the right to say something does not mean it should be acted on or that you should believe it should be.

toodles - Perhaps get a life and don't read all my comments that aren't directed at you? Or at very least, read my comments properly before spewing your poorly formed rant in reply. As I said above, and you clearly neglected to either read or comprehend, you are welcome to your opinions (just as the OP is welcome to make her choices as she likes without being told she must abort/adopt/kill herself) so long as you realize your opinion of what makes people disgusting is just that, an opinion, and not grounds to say certain people should be sterilized. I'm baffled as to how this very neutral and reasonable point indicates to you that I must have some liberal agenda(presuming this is what you meant when you said "my are liberal agenda"?).

expen_dable 0

that is offensive to liberals. PLEASE don't think she represents us. she's the Ann Coulter of the left.

A forth? You mean fourth? I suggest at least reading the comment you reply to if you don't want to make yourself look stupid, although clearly you don't really care how retarded you make yourself look. 70% of the comment space? Do you not think ridiculous exaggerations like suggesting that I have made 210 comments is the sort of thing a 5-year old is more likely to do? In what way am I judging people? Saying that your opinion of someone you don't know isn't justification to claim everyone who lives in a way you do not approve of should be sterilized is not a judgment. I get that you're a little confused, but that's not a very difficult concept to grasp. If you see someone being abused by a large number of people and say something in their defense this hardly makes you a hypocrite, and that is pretty much all I've done here. I really don't think reminding people of the fact that people are free to live their lives the way they choose necessarily makes me a feminist and I'm a little disturbed you would try to use that as an insult in the first place. From the fact you're calling me a liberal I'm going to assume you're American (I'm not btw) and point out that the majority of your country voted liberal so attempting to use this as an insult is, again, a bit ridiculous. I think the best philosophy American 14 year olds should take when parroting their poorly educated parents opinions on politics on the internet is this (and this goes for liberals and democrats because both are guilty of it) - Think about the opposing party saying what you are saying, and consider whether or not you would think them small minded and stupid. If the answer is yes, close you mouth. In your case, consider if my reply had been "quiet down, you red neck, conservative hick and go back to watching FOX with your mommy and daddy in your trailer and mindlessly repeating their propaganda". I really have no reason to argue the other side. Why would I hate someone I've never met enough to pass judgment on their life and that of their unborn child if I don't know of a single thing they have done to hurt anyone else? It truly does not make any sense to me, and any condemnation I make of the disgusting hate mongering on this site is more than justified.

expendable - My opinions expressed here are neither strongly left nor right. I find a bit baffling how Americans have this weird way of needing to categorize any commentary they don't like as being as far away on the political spectrum from them. I can understand why political leanings might be a little hard to learn about in America given the black and white views presented on your biased chat shows you guys call news networks, but if you don't have a clue, just don't act like you do, OK? I hardly think being opposed to senseless hating and demanding the OP considers abortion/adoption/suicide as the only answer and people who think their dislike of a certain type of people warrants sterilization can be classified as right or left leaning, let alone far left leaning. I'm pretty sure it's just considered sane...

thesweetfailure 0

That's cute how you've decided to generalize all Americans. Bravo.

Over sensitive much? You can't read a forum or comments section where Americans are posting without finding someone doing exactly this, where as people from other countries just don't. It's not an unfair generalisation and I never said it was one without exception.

I like that Twinklestar says "Liberals and Democrats", despite "liberalism" being a political viewpoint rather than a party. Twinklestar is a ******* idiot who is using the age old argument of "my opinions are right and your opinions (whilst you're entitled to them) are wrong". What do I think on the issue? Abortion shouldn't be used as a contraception, but in situations like this it's more than acceptable. Adoption could work, and frankly it's the OP's choice (that's right you Conservative motherfuckers, I believe women have a right to choose).