By anonymous - 03/12/2009 06:55 - United States

Today, I found out that me and my best friend are both pregnant. We live together, and both had one night stands with the same guy. Now we are going to be each raising his children in the same house while he has decided to "not get involved" and move to a different state. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 774
You deserved it 82 698

Same thing different taste


Two options: 1. Abortion. It's safe, legal, and you don't need to be stuck raising an asshole's kids. 2. Make him pay child support. These days, the state can garnish his wages, even if he moves to another state. "Not wanting to get involved" isn't an option. Also, being a deadbeat dad is a very bad thing to have on one's record nowadays. Next time you decide to have a one-night stand, use protection.

um, i don't know what planet you're from, but abortions are NOT safe. they're freakin dangerous, and you can get all sorts of complications from them. and just because something's legal doesn't mean it's right. slavery was once legal wasn't it?

Astrophilia 0

False. Childbirth is far more dangerous for women than abortion.

@427 you're false. if childbirth is so dangerous, why are there 10 billion people on earth?

ThreadingFate 0

Umm... HUGE props to this guy? He nailed two dumb ho's that live together and you're "bff"s I'm sure. I bet it was a threesome. I will never understand why you would choose to keep these children... way to dump chlorine into the gene pool. For the record, no one reading this is shocked Georgia.

Wow. I wouldn't even post this kinda thing. No sympathy for you. I'd go get tested for STD's or HIV as opposed to sitting on my computer and typing my sick situtaion on fmylife. No one feels bad for you.

Apparently over 1,800 people do. Don't speak for others when expressing your judgmental views imo.

sometimes I think we should neuter/spay "people" instead of animals... and if those 1800 think the OP and her BBF (best bitch friend) don't deserve it - it means they need to get neutered or spayed themselves...pity the children, who'll probably end up as bitchy as their mums

Pretty sure having a casual attitude about sex doesn't make you a bitch. Talking about neutering people you don't know and pitying their future children kind of does though.

one night stands are for bitches, even guys - and esp if u don't use protection, you can add stupid to that. I work with people who did like the op - 6-8 kids living in a dump, and you tell me you wouldn't neuter them? and face it 80% of children will probably end up suffering both physcologically and physically in such situations, so yes I do pity them it they end up like that.

In your opinion, fine. You're welcome to it. But saying we should sterilize people that, in your opinion, are disgusting is pretty ridiculous. Hitler thought Jews were pretty disgusting. Guess by your logic he was in the right in his attempts to sterilize them?

One night stands are for people who enjoy sex and aren't in relationships. If you have some hang ups about sex, that's fine, but your opinions don't actually make someone engaging in a physically pleasurable act a bitch. You work with people "who did like that OP"? The OP can spell, use grammar and form a structured sentence so you're really not in a position to pity her too much.

I'm not a racist, and I don't think these people are disgusting, don't put words in my mouth. I think its not fair for their children to suffer for their selfishness, they will then themselves grow up in a "bad enviroment", probably then have children of their own and continue this vicious circle.

Godofbeer - I was replying to apfluxx in my above comment One night stands are for people who enjoy sex and aren't in relationships. If you have some hang ups about sex, that's fine, but your opinions don't actually make someone engaging in a physically pleasurable act a bitch. You work with people "who did like the OP"? The OP can spell, use grammar and form a structured sentence so you're really not in a position to pity her too much. You have no idea what environment the children will grow up in. I know plenty of well off and well educated people who enjoy having one night stands, and who would quite possibly keep a resulting child. appfluxx - Saying the OP was spreading diseases is completely baseless. They both obviously moved in the same social circle as the guy and probably knew him well enough. Also, pretty sure having children doesn't make a person disgusting. Regardless, the point is just because you consider something disgusting doesn't mean that it is or that you have any right to dictate how those people should be allowed to live.

Why say "you"? This is about the OP. I'm just saying they're her choices, and she quite probably knew the guy well enough to know she wasn't going to catch anything. Go ahead and think she's disgusting. Like I said, you're welcome to your opinion no matter how small minded and bitchy it is. It's just that you're not entitled to start saying people who live in a way you don't approve of that cause you no harm whatsoever should be sterilized. I think all children are precious and that their births are miracles, regardless of who the father is, and not "disgusting". People "like" her? You don't know what she's like. Millions of people have one night stands, and it would be ridiculous to say they're all the same sort of person.

appfluxx never said the OP was spreading diseases, so maybe going back and rereading the post would be a good idea.

He said she was the type of person who was more likely to, without knowing anything about what she's like. Either reread his comments yourself or go back to 4chan where your IQ is better suited.

You said it makes her disgusting and that we should sterilize people like that. Saying you're just being "bitchy" after a comment like that is being pretty generous to be honest. People who sleep around CAN SPREAD diseases, not DO cause them, and not all of them do, or sleep with people who they don't know well. And again, it only effects them, not you if you don't sleep around and protect yourself.

expen_dable 0

you should feel bad for twinklestar, it seems like she is on here so much that she has no life, and she thinks the classic "ad hitlerum" (comparing anything you don't like to Hitler/nazi's/ect.) is a good argument when anyone with a formal education would laugh if you tried to use that.

expen_dable 0

Twinklestar is probably the OP's friend oh and BTW what she did is called "ad hitlerum," aka comparing anything you don't like to Hitler/Nazi's/etc. it shows that her arguments are shitty and filled with fallacies. but lets feel bad for her, since it seems like she cares about this website way too much and has no life other than the comment section

Anyone, without or without a formal education, should be able to use correct grammar on a text based site so perhaps that's not really something you want to try and use an an insult. I'm very sorry if you can't understand my one comparison of a comment about sterilizing people because of a mostly irrational dislike of them to Hitler sterilizing a group of people because of his mostly irrational dislike of them, but your inability to apply basic comprehension to something very straight forward is really only your problem and no one elses.

Wow, did your inability to understand a very basic and logical comparison really warrant two posts where you get an excuse to use your newly learned term that you feel is such an advanced concept people would need it's definition on brackets?

YDI. That's just horrible. If you aren't going to be smart enough to use a condom or be on birth control while having one night stands, at least take the morning after pill. Wow... Yes, that would be a smart thing to do. I bet you wish you thought of that!

lifeisaplay 0

*knocks on your head* Yo, is anyone in there? You do know what BIRTH CONTROL and SAFE SEX are, right? There are "other" options out there too but then again it's your body there for your choice.

Hellloooo abortion! Not getting one would be irresponsible. Religious reasons are not good enough. In fact, they're retarded. Just get rid of them, they're not real people yet and it's more like a parasite now. Also, YDI for not using a condom on a one night stand. Diseases are a concern too. You and your friend shouldn't be put in charge of raising other humans until you learn to not be idiots.

I find this even worse than those self righteous people telling people they have no right to choose abortion. Seriously, where are those people in this comments section. Usually in whatever corner of the internet the mention of pregnancy pops up you get a few hundred pro-life crusaders within hours, telling them abortion is murder. Why are they not posting here congratulating the OP on not taking the easy way out?

Pro-life people say abortion is murder. You don't condone murder in some situations that you deem suitable unless you're a hypocrite just looking for an excuse to judge others.

@177 could you please explain to me how abortion is not murder? i'd like to here this one.

ohgoshfylsrsly 0

Please tell me the father is Tiger Woods.

Gross why would you WANT to raise an asshole's baby? ABORT THAT SHIT! PS get checked for STDs, maybe you got 2 diseases that night!

How about you close your fricken legs, dumb *****? Frick.