By strawberrykiwi62 - 11/06/2009 09:09 - Israel

Today, I found out that my extremely-flat chested cousin recently got a boob job. When my mom found out, she said "Oh that's great! They look so good!". Then she looks at me and tells me that I should get one. Everyone including my own mother thinks I should get a boob job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 080
You deserved it 5 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They'll never sag when you get old and they'll get bigger when you have kids, so no worries!!


NELU_fml 0

Ok. To all the !diots who obviously never seen boobs in real life-fake or not. Small boobs suck if ur like an A cup. If ur fat, like 200+ and have A's, I feel very sorry for u. U don't have to get stripper boobs but if ur Mom's will pay for them, do it! It will do wonders for ur self-esteem. And they look really really good if u go with a full C or small D

NELU_fml 0

And another thing. If u go to Tijuana to get them done, then, u get what u pay for. If u follow all the post-op instructions and don't over do it after surgery, they'll come out perfect. Too many dumb broads go shopping and clean has the very next day. Of course they are ganna have problems and horrible results.

If you get it done just make sure you don't do too dramatic an increase - A to DD would just look ridiculous. Personally I'd never have a boob job in a foreign country- I'd be scared of what happens if I require post-op treatment. Then again I'm a 32F, so I'm not complaining.

hey, at least it wasn't your dad who said it, that would be just as, or even more creepy than my dad telling me that my but was getting firm after he kicked it. You completely have my deepest sympathies!

Howdyplz 2

You know, number one is right. F your mom for putting you in such an uncomftorable situation. You know what, it's fine if your cousin dosen't like the way she looks, but your mom shouldntv'e done that. I would of been proud of you for being ok with your body and not feeling like it needed "enhancement", and besides, who wants scars on their knockers? Not me. Fake boobs look weird...D: I think smaller real ones are more attractive, but it's hard to say because i'm a girl... again, in the words of #1- Small real ones>big fake ones.

NELU_fml 0

And one more thing. To all u preaching "superficial" this and that, horsesh!t. 99% of girls/ladies in the US wear make-up. If u want to make that statement like that, then don't go change ur appearence by using make-up u bunch of hippercrits.

If you're even mildly attractive, a flat chest is better than hueg fake-looking ****. Your family is stupid if they think fake **** actually look good. I scoff at such things.

116, why the hell do you think you have the right to "feel sorry" for anyone! Just because your self-esteem is so tied to your boobs, doesn't mean everyone's should be. I'm on the smaller side of normal, and I love them! I don't need C's or D's to look and feel good. CONFIDENCE is sexy.

oopsyipooped 0

they are probably shaped like squares or something