By strawberrykiwi62 - 11/06/2009 09:09 - Israel

Today, I found out that my extremely-flat chested cousin recently got a boob job. When my mom found out, she said "Oh that's great! They look so good!". Then she looks at me and tells me that I should get one. Everyone including my own mother thinks I should get a boob job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 080
You deserved it 5 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They'll never sag when you get old and they'll get bigger when you have kids, so no worries!!


NELU_fml 0

So 131, aka ChoasChild, answer this. Do u shave ur legs or armpits? Do u wear make-up? Is a guys not supposed to shave? Cuz obviously by ur post, if u do, ur a freakin HYPOCRIT

I flat chested too. Actually I have to buy my bras in the children's section "/ so really don't worry about it. My boyfriend loves my body just how it is and would never want me full of silicone. Don't do it!!!! ..... well as long as you have the ass to pull of small boobs (j/k!)

ohhhhshizzz 0

Why would you want balloons in your chest? That could burst, for no reason? Having big boobs is no big deal, look being 14 and a 38C going to D is nothing to be happy about. Why would YOU want a boob job, NOT your family? If you don't, then why would you get one. I bet you have like a B cup, eh? Then get a padded bra, it is really good for smaller folks. Also, you have to love yourself naked. Your family's opinion really doesn't matter.

Honestly big boobs aren't nearly as great as they are cracked up to be. I'm a seventeen year old with back problems. Got the girls most ppl pay for naturally and I'm getting rid of them. Tell those ppl to screw themselves, you're lucky.

Don't do it, they only look good in shirts, and only sort of good, while you're young and skinny. They look terrible naked, and terrible when you start to get older and fatter and they don't match the rest of your body and it's obvious........

#35, you suck. its people like you who make naturally flat chested women want to die.

VoGuE221 5

You shouldn't get a boob job if your happy with them the way they are. Don't do it just to please your mom cuz honestly she sounds kind of rude.

don't do it. i am so jealous of girls with little boobs. big ones are ******* annoying.