By strawberrykiwi62 - 11/06/2009 09:09 - Israel

Today, I found out that my extremely-flat chested cousin recently got a boob job. When my mom found out, she said "Oh that's great! They look so good!". Then she looks at me and tells me that I should get one. Everyone including my own mother thinks I should get a boob job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 080
You deserved it 5 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They'll never sag when you get old and they'll get bigger when you have kids, so no worries!!


#163 must have implan†s with the absolute dribble she is getting all over my screen

That's so ridiculous. Don't let your family bring you down over something you don't have much control over naturally. I mean, is the rest of your family so perfect that no one could suggest they get this and that done? Blame the family genetics! That's what I'd do LOL :) besides smaller bras are way cuter

voveraite 7

Was curious: since when are B cups "flat"?! Mind you, not even A is flat! OP, I am going to agree with most other posters, and tell you to ignore their remarks! And I might be flamed for this, but: smaller folks could consider losing weight if they can ( and need). Their breasts won't look smaller, but overall more proportionate. Worked for me :). Also, a nicely cut blouse makes all the difference in the world, along with padded bras (if you're into them, I find them uncomfy and false advertisement). About the shaving/make-up comments: they are *easily reversible*, sort of like a padded bra if you wish, whereas implants not quite so....

flex_able 0
ceisfu 0

Your mom is ******. Don't listen to anything she says regarding how women should conduct themselves. Then take the $3k you would have spent on fake **** and go on a sweet trip somewhere.

forgotusername 0

hey OP i think you need a boob job you know, like soon

ziqi92 0

forget fake boobs. thing is, if u have a bf, we can assure u that he actually loves you and not just for sex. yes, lets keep things real ppl! i, for one, am never gonna date a girl who cares too much about her body to the point where she decided to get a boob job. size doesnt matter. screw u #3

kcslgvr 11

#3 and #44, you are both such a horrible people. women aren't here just for men to look at. you tow should shut up because there are millions upon millions of women who i can bet are much more contributing and productive in society than you both could ever be. people like you guys are the reason that these standards for women are so ****** up. and by saying that women should get surgeries not for themselves but because of what others think of them is so wrong. there are so many women around the world that have low self-esteem because of you types. i hope you two die. and do not get surgery unless you want to. being small is a great thing because you will eventually grow with having children and small breasts wont sag when you age. dont listen to all of those pigs who think that women arent worth anything and that men only want big breasts. those men are scum. REAL MEN DONT LOOK AT WOMEN AS OBJECTS. THEY DONT ONLY CARE ABOUT THE OUTSIDE. a real man will love you for who you are, not what you look like. and job wise, if you really think that you will do better with bigger breasts, then just get a ruffled shirt or a padded bra or something. but looks should never be an issue when it comes to work. its sad to see what our world has come to.

Kira_fml 0

seriously?? THIS is why your life is ******??