By nomoresbfun - 22/02/2010 06:31 - United States

Today, I found out that my most amazing spring break ever, will be spent stuck on a ship with my ex. It's been almost two years, and he still isn't over me. Yay. This cruise shall be fun. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 678
You deserved it 6 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

namhowell 6

So what? This FML sucks ass! Just because he isn't over you doesn't mean he will stop you from doing your own thing, get over yourself!

You could always take him around the cruise for some "sight seeing" and just you know...push him over the railing? You can conceal the screams by breaking into a song.


Or you could play your cards and swan around in your bikini flirting with other guys to make him realize HE's stuck on the ship with YOU and you have moved on. Maybe it's the shock he needs? And i disagree with #59. wet t-shirt contest anyone?

Wow, talk about your self-centered heinous b****. Seriously, get the f over yourself. This poor guy still thinks you're awesome... and you are completely over him. And you are worried about how this will ruin YOUR vacation? I don't even know what to say. There are no words. You are just an awful human being. YDI.

To all the crazies calling her names, ever think they broke up for good reason? If he cheated on her, etc. who the **** cares if he still loves her after two years. He should get over it. Maybe she is just an utter bitch, who knows. Look at it from all angles.

What's the big deal? I'm not over my ex, he knows this, but were still going to Spain together with 4 more friends? That he's not over you doesn't mean you can't be friends, get over it, quit whining!

I love this shit by "I have to go" do mean you are ******* so retarded stupid or did he take you hostage or some shit because I wouldn't mind being "forced" to take a cruise

themixedt4pe 0

Boo hoo. I've never been on a cruise, and I don't get a spring break because I have to help my handicapped mom move into a new house while my boyfriend might spend break in Chicago... over our 17 month anniversary (not that we would usually celebrate a month anniversary, but since it happens to fall over spring break and I've only seen him for like two hours in the past two weeks...). So yeah, I think my spring break will be worse, kthx.

ydi for not letting him choke himself while he masterbates

If you really feel like you're going to be "stuck" on the ship, don't go. If it really ruins your time, don't go. He probably doesn't care about you as much as you wish he did and if you didn't make it a big deal, it probably wouldn't matter much.