By armenta427 - 07/10/2009 04:12 - United States

Today, I found out that my parents are 28,000 dollars in debt and that my bank account has $27.17 in it. They took my money to help pay their debt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 938
You deserved it 3 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's horrible! How dare they! You should sue them when they get back on their feet.

welcome to my life. my mother stole the 30k my grandparents gave me for sophomore year to 'pay off' her debts. i'm now 90k in debt after all the interest from the loan i had to take out.


guess it wasnt "UR" money or how they get it? they stole it or what? -->ur parents debt will be ur debt anyway, some day

See this is why separate accounts are a good idea.

capthavoc123 0

This is why you don't give your parents access to your accounts, dumbass.

How old are you? If you're over 18, how do your parents have access to your account? I purposely made my mum a signatory of my account in case something happened to me but otherwise she can't get into my account.

boatkicker 4

probably because they know his social security number, dob, and full name. Banks are way less secure than most people realize.

_system_ 0

Bah your parents have probably spent a lot more than that on you during your life so far, be ******* grateful they left you the 27 dollars :p

They sign up for that when they have kids. PARENTS raise and provide for kids, not the kids. It's not their job to ******* support themselves. Even if that were good logic, they could at least tell the kid beforehand. Also, should I start stealing from my parents without their knowledge, then justify it by saying, "Do you have any idea how much money it's going to take to build a mother-in-law suite and then later put you in a home, for YEARS possibly? Be grateful I don't take every penny to your name!"?

Yeah, and that shit can cost several thousand a month. The kids end up the ones getting the raw deal in the end.

_system_ 0

Wow I guess someone doesn't understand a joke :|

I kind of figured you were joking, but there are a lot of people who really think this way. I just replied to your comment so mine would have context, instead of making it a regular comment.

Sorry, but that's so sad it's hilarious!

hotmodel1234 0

While its sucks to be in his parents situation he should be greatful for the basics in this economic climate. I'm going to play the odds here and don't think he had more then a few thousand in his savings account. It is possible to have vast sums in their savings account thats losing value from inflation most would have it invested somewhere. If a young person has the means of accumulating such wealth they most likely would have invested it leaving maybe a months salary for emergencies. Clueless lottery winners notwithstanding of course.

ozymandias_fml 0

Once again, it's not *just* your money if you agreed to allow them access to it. It is *your* money (plural), since you gave them access. If you don't understand banking, shut your pie-hole and deal.

You deserve it for not keeping your money in your anal cavity. - Make them pay when they get old, put them in an abusive retirement home that force the occupants to create old on oldy ****.