By Anonymous - 31/07/2013 16:49 - United States - Pleasanton

Today, I found out that when I text my boyfriend, he isn't the one to read them. Instead, he pays his friend to "keep the bitch busy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 995
You deserved it 6 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

challan 19

I can only imagine the things you've said to his friend... And the pictures you've sent. Wow, sorry op.

euphoricness 28

When you're texting your boyfriend just mention how "cute" his friend is and ask him if he's single if ya know what I mean. As a joke of course


Oh, he wants you kept busy? Maybe you should be getting busy with a new boyfriend.

You should text him commenting on his now very recent like for anal play, suggest some anal beads. His friend will never him the same way again.

You should text him commenting on his now very recent like for anal play, suggest some pegging. His friend will never him the same way again.

K410 18

Yet jerks like him are getting laid and nice guys are all alone... Screw society -.-

Normally i wouldn't recommend something like this... But the way i see it, the best form of revenge would be to start dating his friend.

Just wondering how many messages do you send a day? Are they mind numbing enough for your boyfriend to actually pay another guy to read and to reply to them?? would it hurt you to know that this is the fourth guy as three guys before him could jot take "the shit" anymore even for he outsourcing the job to a data centre in Milwaukee..????

pazuzus_intern 10

So did you pick your screen name just for the occasion or are you just like that?

Are you ******* stupid? You don't have to answer that.

tell your boyfriend (hopefully ex by now) that you paid someone to text him the whole time xD

1jordan1 11

I really hope you dumped him.