By Anonymous - 31/07/2013 16:49 - United States - Pleasanton

Today, I found out that when I text my boyfriend, he isn't the one to read them. Instead, he pays his friend to "keep the bitch busy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 995
You deserved it 6 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

challan 19

I can only imagine the things you've said to his friend... And the pictures you've sent. Wow, sorry op.

euphoricness 28

When you're texting your boyfriend just mention how "cute" his friend is and ask him if he's single if ya know what I mean. As a joke of course


and UR STILL TOGETHER ? U guys deserve each other

You shouldn't have to put up with that, no one deserves that.

Damn! That's when you tell him that his friend is gonna keep u busy the next time he wants sex!

At least he thinks youre worth money. My significant others have always been too cheap to pay someone to talk to me.

my (now ex-) boyfriend* There, I fixed it for you! Seriously, any guy who would refer to you like that is not worth your time.

Start dating the friend after you dump you bf. He clearly knows you better and other than the whole paying thing, he's clearly good at communicating.

But what if he charges for that, too?

mrsnugglefunny 10
jw90 18

That sucks that he doesn't talk to you himself. It's time to move on and find someone who'll take that time.

Boyfriend? I think that it should be an ex boyfriend now.