By corfan01 - 05/10/2009 11:11 - United States

Today, I got a red light camera ticket for $100 in the mail. After checking the date and time, I realized it was from when I was rear ended into the intersection while STOPPED at a red light. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 751
You deserved it 2 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hah, ouch. Good luck getting out of that one. If there was police involvement when you got rear-ended it shouldn't be hard.


mannn, fyl. =[ are you the same woman who was rear ended twice while going to the mall?

Well, surely you can see the car that rear-ended you in the picture. So, it should be fairly easy to contest.

you can contest those things. especially if you filed an insurance claim that day. but well see

Actually technically if you end up braking the law or even hitting another car at the result of someone rear-ending you it is still your fault as most likely you were not stepping on the brakes hard enough or not on it at all.

You are an idiot. No one in their right mind would step on the brakes if he gets rear-ended. You actually ignore the brakes, release the hand brake and hit the clutch. Thus you minimize damage both to your and the other guys car, not speaking of minimizing the health risk.

You want the energy from the other persons speed to transfer to your movement instead of it damaging your car.

You shouldn't stop so close then. You were probably pulled up way too far for someone to hit you for you to get a ticket for it.

was the driver of the car behind you screaming and swatting at a bee?

uhm, i'm sure you can appeal it. there is a police report from your accident right? there is your proof. there. done.

thefury 0

yep appeal it might be a pain in the ass but you won't have to pay the ticket

Wouldn't the picture show that you were rear ended? And how fast were they going, when you get rear ended it's not like your car goes rolling into the intersection... I don't see how this is possible.

If the OP does as I do sometimes and put their car in neutral at the light and took their foot off the brake, they would easily roll forward when they got hit. This IS plausible, however, the ticket can definitely be fought.

actually your car can go rolling into the intersection when rear-ended. It's why they recommend that if you have to pause at an intersection before turning across traffic, you keep your wheels parallel - in case someone rear-ends you, then you won't be pushed into the path of the on-coming traffic whose path you're about to cross. Nobody does that, but it is recommended.

just go to court and get it taken off dumbass