By Anonymous - 06/05/2015 17:44 - United States - Riverside

Today, I got a text from a guy I hooked up with. I'm not really interested in him, so I rushed out of his house last night. He was letting me know I left my wallet at his house, and if I want it, I'll have to let him take me to dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 319
You deserved it 37 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not saying he's right or wrong for using her wallet as an excuse to go on a date with her, but she used him. She wasn't interested in him, so instead she used him for sex and probably toyed with his emotions, which is a very wrong thing to do.


Well, you shouldn't have slept with him in the first place...leading someone on is really cruel.

Here is my problem with the saying 'leading someone on' : I shouldn't have to tell every guy/woman I talk to that I am not interested in them.

#257: *sleep with* For real, hooking up with someone sends signals that you are at least sexually interested in them. If you want sex but not a relationship with someone, I think it's on you to make your disinterest abundantly clear, otherwise you're just sending mixed signals.

That actually sounds pretty romantic and maybe he'll turn out to be a better guy than you thought. Good luck OP! :)

Damn people are so judgmental on here. 1. She can sleep with whoever she wants to sleep with! 2. It sounds like the guy doesn't really know you're not interested him, and he was just trying to ask you on a date, in a cute (slightly creepy) way. Maybe just tell him you're not really interested in a date with him? I'm sure he'll give you the wallet back

She can sleep with whoever she wants as long as they're both upfront about their intentions. It sounds like she had a one-night stand with a guy who she'd led on to think it was something more. And if she's going to mislead a guy and then sneak out of his house, and be dumb enough to leave her wallet behind while doing so, then she deserves whatever awkwardness ensues.

Nothing I read implies that she lead him on. He may have misinterpreted the situation, or he might have known it was a one night stand but pulled this stunt anyways. If it was just a way to ask her out, I don't really fault him for it, but if he meant it, that's ****** up wether she lead him on or not.

Just because he wasn't on the same page as the Op doesn't make it her fault.

Maybe she did maybe she didn't. She can at least let him buy her dinner after a one night stand.

Woo Hoo free dinner! YDI for leading him on!

Yeah, how dare she act just like many guys do!

Shit happens sometimes and sometimes that shit repels back to you.

This could go both ways. Either he truely likes her and isn't ready to quit trying, or he's a creep. On the other side, she's either close minded or just a bitch.