By wowohwow - 23/06/2011 04:24 - United States

Today, I got all dressed up to go on a date with a guy. Upon getting to my house to pick me up, he told me he'd forgot to put on mascara, and asked if he could borrow some. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 152
You deserved it 6 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look at it at the bright side! you never have to bring make-up to his house! :)

Jrefinne 7


Questions for OP: Was he bi or emo? (No offense to anyone one who is I was just wondering, I have nothing against either) Did you let him borrow it or was he kidding and you just wanted to post this??

Just because he wears some makeup doesn't make him either bi or emo, or gay for that matter. It's his choice.

why the hell would you date marilyn Manson??

XPlasticSmilesX 0

well let's find out if he needs some foundation and blush while he's putting on your mascara

RC32 1

That is totally ur fault!! I mean who picks a guy like that???!!

Maybe the guy only wears makeup on special occasions and wasn't wearing makeup when she was asked out. This is not a hard concept; it's not necessarily her fault.

dudes wearing make up if so ******* lame. only dudes that can get away with it is motley Crue all else need to stop being EMO

is there any chance your friend is I don't know... GAY?!

he's a keeper. you seen johnny mascara?

emdee_7 0

"I'm gay and just coming on this date for a free meal"

@ everybody: First of all, piercings are just tiny wounds. You clean them till they heal and then it's just a hole, not even a wound. And okay, you could say that my piercings are also a waste of money, just like all other jewelry, but it only makes a small wound and does not hurt like everyone seems to think. And that shit about it being a breeding zone for bacteria, it's bullcrap. It's a wound. Just like a paper cut or a scratch or whatever. The only thing is that it needs to heal differently. It needs longer to heal and therefor it is longer reachable for bacteria. But you clean piercings, little wounds aren't (for as far as I know). But besides that its nothing more than a paper cut. Just as much of a bacteria breeding zone. Also keep in mind that earrings are just as well piercings. Earlobe-piercing. Those don't seem any dangerous, now do they? Maybe in some places you have more shops with no-animal testing, but I know in most of Europe you just have the body shop and local stores, maybe. I've never heard of Mary Kay either. So I know that everyone in my environment wears tested make up, because they think the body shop is lame or to expensive or something. There's also a difference between "Not tested on animals" and "Ingredients are not tested on animals". The first one just says that the final product is not tested on animals, so this could mean that some ingredients are. And about the washing it off, that's not good for your skin either, what 201 said. And because you wash off a lot of the natural oils that your skin creates, and shit like that. And to much water on your face dries your skin out. But even without the issue of it being healthy or unhealthy, a waste of money (and time) or not.. It's still fake. You put paint on your face, on your eyelashes, eyebrows, lips, etc. Mascara is supposed to make your eyelashes look longer, darker = healthier. Eyeliner sort of does the same, or makes your eye's look 'bigger', which makes you look younger. All make up is meant to make you look healthier and/or younger, so you are more attractive. But it doesn't make you healthier or younger. It's fake. And oh god, am I gonna get so much more hatred on this. But I'm not gonna be convinced by anything and I know that if this won't convince others than I am simply not able to change minds, so I won't respond after this. I already put to much effort in this.