By wowohwow - 23/06/2011 04:24 - United States

Today, I got all dressed up to go on a date with a guy. Upon getting to my house to pick me up, he told me he'd forgot to put on mascara, and asked if he could borrow some. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 165
You deserved it 6 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look at it at the bright side! you never have to bring make-up to his house! :)

Jrefinne 7


jbswifeyforlifey 0

thats my kind of man!!!! loserr

Skeletor916 0

Make sure he's on birth control if your date goes really well. Wouldn't want him getting pregnant.

ShaliniBabiie 0

Hes gay :O Or bi. His friends might be cute ?:PP

MufMuf_fml 5

Just because a guy wears make up doesn't mean they're gay. or even bi. >.> some people...

sarah1741 3

he is a keeper make up will be cheepier now that he can pay for most of it but if he starts wearing dresses i would run

As long as it's tasteful then there's no problem.

sadkiddie 0

and this is an fml because what? you thought his eyelashes were naturally that long and luxurious?? just remember op, maybe they're born with it...but maybe it's maybeline~