By Anonymous - 08/04/2015 10:52 - United States - Oceanside

Today, I got disappointed when I realized that I had to share a bed with my husband because we had company over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 873
You deserved it 18 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aren't you supposed to share a bed with him? I thought that was one of the reasons to get married.

Why is it totally on the husband? Maybe she's the one with issues.


Were you doing this for space reasons meaning your company would have no bed to sleep in or for appearances so your company wouldn't question your relationship? Some people have trouble sleeping in bed with others, doesn't mean the marriage is a going wrong. All relationships are different.

bleedingglitter 24

Sometimes sleeping alone is nice. I'm pregnant right now and it is most comfortable to me to sleep in the middle of the bed so when my husband crashes on the couch while playing video games I just scoot to the middle. Maybe you should go to some counseling though.

That's way more understandable than this idiot-she needs more details as I why-bad gas? Tosses and turns or what?!

Your life does suck... You sound miserable.

I had a teacher once and her and her husband slept in separate beds because he snores to loud and she was unable to sleep.

The big question here, OP, is whether your marriage is struggling in some other way. Contrary to what the other commenters would have you believe, there's nothing wrong with not sharing a bed or a room with your's not for everyone, and there's no law stating that married people have to sleep together all the time. Some people I know even find that their marriages are stronger because both parties can get a good night's sleep, which they couldn't get if they had to sleep in the same room! If the dread of sleeping with your husband is coming from someplace other than a concern about his/your snoring, bedcover hogging, one of you being a sleep-cuddler while the other is not, etc., you probably have some serious thinking to do about your marriage as it currently stands.

Everyone here assuming they have major marriage troubles... What if he just snores really loud? A healthy relationship can survive sleeping in different beds...

mystiedawn 14

I wish I didn't have to share a bed with my husband.

Why, did you prefer to do so with one of your overnight guests?