By jingle - 25/05/2012 11:18 - United States - Wilmington

Today, I got fired from my job at a weight-loss center because I was too skinny, and apparently it's too depressing for the customers to handle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 423
You deserved it 3 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't you be something to work towards? Like a source of encouragement? And if someone "overweight" works there, the customers wouldn't see the point of it..

randomthing 22

I bet you can find a better job somewhere else ^^



WHY ARE YOU YELLING!?! And how is this a compliment? If you consider being fired a thank you, I'd hate to see what you do when you're upset. There are more subtle ways to give a compliment. Oh, and your logic makes no sense.

olpally 32

I buried him... ALL CAPS BE GONE! :D

We don't know how skinny OP is. Could be that they appear unhealthy.

Lawsuit!? Sue them big bitches,then maybe they'll be so poor they can't eat,then become skinny! Or just find another job :)

iHeartRKO 5

So they're going to hire fat help fat people lose weight. Anyways, sorry about your job, FYL.

That's ridiculous, OP. FYL. Some people are just naturally skinny. They can't help that! I know lots of people who can eat and eat and eat and eat and not gain any weight at all. I, on the other hand, just look at food and gain about 10 pounds. Haha. What a dumb reason to get fired. Hope you find a better job

If they fired you for being too fat you could sue for discrimination. Do it.

perdix 29

Actually, no. If you work for a weight-loss company, the terms of your employment can include your weight being within a certain "healthy" range. If you break that part of the agreement, they can legally fire you. Responsible weight-loss programs do not encourage anorexia.

Dumbasses shouldn't have hired you in the first place then if that's what they think. It's a horrible reason anyways.

Weight loss doesn't mean everyone should look stick skinny. For some people that are over weight and are really trying to keep it off, like women that just had a baby or people with thyroid problems, looking at you may not be too "confident boosting" haven't you ever felt insecure!? Just saying.. Sorry about the job loss though they could have handled that differently. Maybe that company wants more people that show they can relate to "at one point needing to lose weight and how they went about it." That's why I got into the health and dietary councilor program at school.

The customer is always right which makes you wrong.

Sure it does little man...go find something shiny to play with.