By random - 06/05/2009 08:57 - United States

Today, I got my hair dyed at a fancy salon. While the stylist was pulling out the foils in my hair I sat up and started screaming in pain because the hot foils were burning my scalp. All she said was "oh, you're fine". I went back home to find an oozing burn wound on my scalp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 030
You deserved it 4 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Doctif7 0

OMG! You shouild sue the company!!!!!1

Were the foils actually hot or was it the chemicals they were using that burnt your scalp? This happened to me once when I got my hair straightened. They left the treatment on for too long and I ended up with a very sore scalp and red burn marks on the top of my forehead. Needless to say I didn't go back there again.


Ohhhh 12. Try again. 10 is not the stupid one.

That's why these people go to beauty school- they can't even be trusted with hair, let alone anything else.

#3 sometimes they use heat lamps or whatever because it speeds the process up. anyway, you probably got burned because some of the bleach leaked out of the foil onto your skin. i worked at a salon and this happened to me, when my boss was doing my hair for free after hours. now, i have a scar and a weirdass cowlick on the back of my head.

perstephane 4

Sorry, #6, as a current law student, I can tell you that even if she had a scalp abrasion already, the fact that she complained of pain and the stylist did nothing about it constitutes negligent behavior. Lawsuit is still very much a go for this one.

Saiduck 0

Take pictures, go to hospital, sue, ????, Profit!

Uzumaki_fml 0

1) Sue 2) Complain to manager Option three would have been complain on

BlerbFace306 0

i've never had hot foils...that seems a little weird... but, i did have to dye my hair blonde for a play once, and it took 8 hours, i had burns on my scalp and my hair is still falling out a year later, so I feel your pain

Really #10? ...Cosmetology, and it's schooling has been around for decades. Unless you really want random people chopping off your hair and dying it with absolutely no form of instruction......