By random - 06/05/2009 08:57 - United States

Today, I got my hair dyed at a fancy salon. While the stylist was pulling out the foils in my hair I sat up and started screaming in pain because the hot foils were burning my scalp. All she said was "oh, you're fine". I went back home to find an oozing burn wound on my scalp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 030
You deserved it 4 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Doctif7 0

OMG! You shouild sue the company!!!!!1

Were the foils actually hot or was it the chemicals they were using that burnt your scalp? This happened to me once when I got my hair straightened. They left the treatment on for too long and I ended up with a very sore scalp and red burn marks on the top of my forehead. Needless to say I didn't go back there again.


No tip for her! & I wouldn't advise going there again... Feel better though. :]

hoops387 0

show the wound to the hair stylist and demand your money back. you probably could sue but it may not be worth the time, energy, and money. but if burned you and it had to be something she seen you should rightfully get your money back.

hoops387 0

show the wound to the hair stylist and demand your money back. you probably could sue but it may not be worth the time, energy, and money.

coffeennicotine 0

That sucks, I'd definitely go back, complain, demand my money back and probably kick the stylist in the shin.I wouldn't sue because you'd spend more money paying for the attorney and waiting on things to get sorted out than you'd end up making.

coffeennicotine 0

That's a def FYL, and you should go back to the salon and demand your money back.

ohhhhshizzz 0

I think you should go to your local Sally's and buy a jar of hair grease, it is something that black people[ie me:)] put in our hair. Ask at the counter, they should tell you where. Just put it on the burn spot and brush/comb your hair out and do that for a few days. But I don't think it is 3rd degree burns, this has happened to me before. You shouldn't sue, no I'm not a law student but this is kind of pointless. You should just go and show the damage [BEFORE YOU TREAT IT!], take pictures, and get a full refund, her tip, and 10 extra bucks with a THREATEN of a lawsuit, & don't go there again. FYL my friend FYL.

#55 - It's their fault that they neglected to do something about it when she jumped up and screamed.

Sue sue sue sue sue sue sue sue sue. ...Debby.