By random - 06/05/2009 08:57 - United States

Today, I got my hair dyed at a fancy salon. While the stylist was pulling out the foils in my hair I sat up and started screaming in pain because the hot foils were burning my scalp. All she said was "oh, you're fine". I went back home to find an oozing burn wound on my scalp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 030
You deserved it 4 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Doctif7 0

OMG! You shouild sue the company!!!!!1

Were the foils actually hot or was it the chemicals they were using that burnt your scalp? This happened to me once when I got my hair straightened. They left the treatment on for too long and I ended up with a very sore scalp and red burn marks on the top of my forehead. Needless to say I didn't go back there again.


FBIWarning 0

lol sue someone over this? think how that court case would go, and #37 has it correct :/

allikaela 0

i agree, sue them. that's ridiculous. i wouldn't have paid. trust me, i would've made a scene. especially since you said something about it burning you. she needed to stop.

LuvPink 0

wow LAWSUIT. that's NOT right, she obviously didn't know what she was doing. Seriously, you need to get a lawyer.

-Tilts head- This doesn't exactly make sense to me, I've gotten my hair done/dyed...ect many times, nothing like that...-blinks- You must have really REALLY thin hair?

What's with people and their hair lately? Someone got their hair cut like that Spock, and he was pissed. A lot of people said they should just sue, but compared to this situation... It's hardly anything. YOU should sue them. If you have a burn, that bitch should have been more concerned than just, "Oh you're fine!" I can understand that though. When I get my hair dyed, however, I usually just have the foils stay cold with a heating lamp hovering over my head. If you got a burn, that woman is at fault.

#32, don't be a moron. Don't get me wrong, I too hate the jackasses who try to sue everyone and everything at the drop of a hat, but in this case a lawsuit would be totally appropriate. She goes to get her hair dyed, and after notifying the hairdresser that she was in pain, the hairdresser did nothing and caused what sounds like a third degree burn. So you pay someone (a lot, it sounds like), someone who's supposed to be a professional, to give you a third degree burn (read: permanent damage to your scalp) while telling you to stop whining about it? You'd have to be a pretty easygoing person NOT to sue them, I think.

DigitalShoelaces 0

thats messed up. dont sue, just go back with a hot iron and slap her in the face with it... when she screams say, "don't worry hun, you're fine."

Saiduck 0

Don't listen to law students. Listen to your attorney its what you're paying him for.