By random - 06/05/2009 08:57 - United States

Today, I got my hair dyed at a fancy salon. While the stylist was pulling out the foils in my hair I sat up and started screaming in pain because the hot foils were burning my scalp. All she said was "oh, you're fine". I went back home to find an oozing burn wound on my scalp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 027
You deserved it 4 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Doctif7 0

OMG! You shouild sue the company!!!!!1

Were the foils actually hot or was it the chemicals they were using that burnt your scalp? This happened to me once when I got my hair straightened. They left the treatment on for too long and I ended up with a very sore scalp and red burn marks on the top of my forehead. Needless to say I didn't go back there again.


I would def go back and sue. Why would you not point it out to the owner or manager while you were there though?

#10 are really that stupid? Cosmetology is the study of hair styles/hair...when you go to get your hair cut t a salon/great clips/super clips/etc... they all went to cosmetology school.

sugarbear0727 19

Not all the time. The lady I go to is self-taught. And she's way better than any cosmetology graduate that's ever done my hair.

freedombird 4

I wouldn't advertise that- it's illegal to practice without a license.

housemd1120 0

#6 is correct.... You still need to get reimbursed or sue.

ssavicki 0

you probably received a chemical burn. the "foils" are generally just aluminum foil, which don't retain enough heat to burn you. it's the same reason you can have aluminum foil in a 400 degree oven and can tug it out with your bare hands. but you should go back to the salon. sounds like they stylist left chemicals on your head too long or you had some sort of reaction.

ihateyouall 0

you deserved it cos oyou are so stupid and weak and pathetic why didnt you do something about it if it was hurting that bad get over yourself why the hell do you think i want to hear about this you dirty little motherlicker.

#18, if you don't want to hear about other people's problems, you're at the wrong site.