By h0308 - 08/09/2009 09:07 - United Kingdom

Today, I got to work feeling slightly unwell. A couple of hours later, an extremely attractive customer came to my till, at which point my body decided it would be a good idea to vomit last night's dinner all over myself and the customer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 711
You deserved it 4 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whyowhy26 3

cant you KNOW when you're about to puke? i always can and am, if not fully, at least halfway upto the bathroom by the time i actually vomit...

Well when you don't feel well don't go to work, understand?


hairytoenails 0

ydi for not being human and spitting your alien juices on an innocent venus fly trap!!!

I think your employer would rather you go home when you're ill, instead of puking all over the customers.

I'm having a hard time believing that you went from 'slightly unwell' to puking in a matter of seconds. You should know when you start feeling nauseous, and by then you would've reached the point where you should tell the supervisor that you need to go home and get better. Puking on a customer? They're probably not coming back. It doesn't matter how attractive the customer is, you're not going to be picking them up after you've gone and thrown up all over them.

xmaggerzz 0

#20-it says a couple hours later. not a matter of seconds :)

You wouldn't happen to be named Stan Marsh and the customer's name was Wendy Testaburger?

That's why you don't go to work when you are feeling bad. D'oh.

djb23 0

Today, I finally mustered up the courage to pick up a hooker. I drove up to her till and rolled down the window to ask her how much for an hour. She threw up on me. FML.

I assume i had food poisoning as i'm still unwell! In reply to a comment earlier about leaving the tills when i had the warning signs, it all came a bit too fast for me to react! I would have had to ring the bell and wait for someone to take me off, as i'm not allowed to leave the tills unmanned! Oh well, apparently i'm not even getting sick pay :(

alwaysalady 0

Are you pregnant? Cuz man, when I was pregnant, the only warning I had was the clock in most cases. Every hour on the hour, I knew I'd better find a canister of some kind. My boss made me a little badge that said Pregnant on it, so I wouldn't get into trouble as I ran through the building retching.

thecookielovrxx 8

She just said it was too fast for her to react.

never go in that sick less you'd lose the job otherwise and if so try to work away from customers...