By h0308 - 08/09/2009 09:07 - United Kingdom

Today, I got to work feeling slightly unwell. A couple of hours later, an extremely attractive customer came to my till, at which point my body decided it would be a good idea to vomit last night's dinner all over myself and the customer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 714
You deserved it 4 612

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whyowhy26 3

cant you KNOW when you're about to puke? i always can and am, if not fully, at least halfway upto the bathroom by the time i actually vomit...

Well when you don't feel well don't go to work, understand?


Poor decision to work and poor barf marksmanship. Your fault.

Trollkiller 0

looks like someone is in the making of ZOMBIE cmon thats the spirit... infect as many as u can!

RiChY_BaBy08 0

wow. . i seen this before. the guy prob didnt wanna go to work and said he felt unwell or whatever. and seein that hot girl was a lil intimadating and made him so nervous he blew chunks..... bet....

agreed, cuz it's like the word ralph bunershca, prob wrong spelling but I've never attempted to spell bunershca before, I've just said it a few times, I kind of like a word that makes you want to puke just spelling it out

How come it's always an attractive person in these kind of FML's? I'm sure 99% of them are for pointless exaggeration, this is bad enough on its own.

Actually, because on the West Coast of the US, there is a grocery store chain called Ralph's and "ralph" has been a synomym for vomiting for a long time.

hopefully there wasnt any alcohol involved in last nights supper.

YDI for having anal sex legend with one of your customers.

bffa1234 0

Did you use up all your sick days?