By mk - 20/06/2009 05:47 - Canada

Today, I had a big craving for a popsicle so I went to a convenience store and bought one. On my first bite, my upper lip got stuck to it. I ripped it off and spent the next 10 minutes trying to stop the bleeding from the giant cut I'd put in my lip. It hurt too much to finish the popsicle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 424
You deserved it 13 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didn't you just wait for the popsicle to melt a little? Your lip would've eventually warmed it up enough to become unstuck...

irishlassie731 0

Why would you "rip" a popsicle off your lip instead of just waiting for it to melt a little? YDI, moron.


pwnrzero 0

anyone notice #2 isn't really #2, but really #4? either this website has glitches, or people hack!. i wanna know how!

I don't know what you're talking about. It looks just fine to me.

australiaaaa 0

its #2, the 2 above it are replies to #1. it just seems like it should be #4.

thats means he was the 4th to comment but he replied to 1

what kind of ****** up Popsicle's do you eat? Should sue them for making popsicle's to cold, kind of like that old lady who sued mcdonalds for hot coffee, work the system ;)

As I understand it that coffee was so hot it caused third-degree burns when she spilled it, and she only sued for the cost of the medical expenses they refused to pay. Snopes doesn't seem to have an article on it though.

Kristoffer 35

Randy Cassingham did a writeup of the story for his "TRUE Stella Awards" website and newsletter.

that coffee may have caused 3rd degree burns, but its boiling hot water its understandable that it would burn you and cause severe burns, and she made millions for suing them for what happened, thats why there are "Caution" and "Warning" labels on things, because people are idiots.

Hey, I moderated this one. that sucks though dude, FYL

U could of just put warm water where it was stuck

Oh you french *****. You fail all the time.

Tripodi 0

this isnt an fml, this is stupid

I feel for you D: i used to do stuff like this all the time haha.

Are you seriously THAT stupid to rip your lip off of something it got frozen to?? Wow you deserve it.