By Anonymous - 09/10/2015 09:06 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I had to choke back tears as my cockslap of a brother brutally mocked me for being a 25-year-old loser who's never been kissed by a girl, while at 14 he's already lost his virginity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 201
You deserved it 4 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He acts like VASTLY underage sex is something to be proud of.

It's really not that big of a deal. Not many girls want a player, anyway.


You're a 25 year old grown man. The fact that you have to hold back tears from things your 14 year old brother is saying is weak. If you choose to be celibate be strong about it.

If it bothers you, then YDI. By the time you are 18 or 19 you should have cultivated interests, and developed an ability to interact with different people, including potential romantic partners. Do you have a job or go to school? If the opposite gender version of yourself was in a room, would a romantic relationship be in the offing?

Don't sweat it OP. I'm 25 and still a virgin too. My last romantic kiss was over a decade ago now too. It's nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about in my opinion. It won't change who you are as a person (unless like your brother it turns you into an asshat) and we're all looking for something in particular in our partners. For me I don't just want a quick bang and it's hard for me to connect to people, so there's my reason. Until you find what you're looking for OP, just remember there's always masturbation and **** which come with all the good sex feelings and none of the potential side effects (pregnancy and std's)

You deserve it. What kind of big brother were you to let your younger brother grow up thinking that this is acceptable behavior. Nothing wrong with being a virgin or never kissing a girl. Kisses are not to be wasted on every girl that comes along.

My husband was 25 when we met and had never kissed or been with a girl. And I LOVE that about him!!! Your brother is a ****, don't be jealous of him. Be proud of who you are and your accomplishments! You aren't automatically a loser because you haven't kissed a girl yet - that's horrible logic. Human beings aren't disposable; your brother shouldn't treat sexuality like candy bars - just use them and throw them away. Ugh.

You should be proud, he should be disgusted

Geckosrock99 33

Really? You let your brother mock you to near tears? Judging by his actions, he's either still 14, or extremely immature. Put him in his place, OP, make sure he never treats you that way again. It's not simple teasing, its not okay. Who cares if you're still a virgin, you'll find someone if it bothers you so much. Meanwhile, if that little shit doesn't get his act together, he'll either be STD ridden, a father during high school, or he'll end up pushing away everyone who cares about him.

I'm 20 and I've never even been on a date let alone hold a guys hand. I feel ya on this one